Saturday, October 17, 2009

Thinking about Many Things

Health Care and Government Take Over's

It is late at night, and as usual my mind is thinking about many things simultaneously. I took my husband on an outing today; he is disabled and can't get out and about unless I take him. He and I have talked many times about what will happen to him if the Obama Care bill makes it into law. Will his 40 plus years in the military be tossed out as a measure of his worth since he is too old and ill to serve? Will his life be judged on some presently unknown sliding scale of value and deemed unworthy of saving should he become seriously ill?

What about my life? I'm 8 years his junior, but still am old enough to be outside the bell curve. Is that what we have worked all our lives for? To be deemed unworthy of having these, our lives, saved in the event of an expensive illness? We have both lived long enough to have experienced many things and seen things we would never have dreamed of as children; computers and the internet being two. However, with all the marvels we have seen and experienced, this government take-over of health care, banks, the auto industry, and God knows what else never crossed our minds. If you had given us a crystal ball and showed us these things, we would have called you crazy.

Cap and Trade

Cap and Trade will probably be force fed to us just like health care. The soaring energy costs and resulting higher prices for everything else we buy as a result will wipe us out financially. My husband and I will go from being comfortable, lower middle class folks to poverty with a few strokes of Obama's pen. My husband is on a fixed income and while I have a manufacturing job; I don't know how long it will last. I could get laid off next week. Our factory is already down to half the people it had a year ago.

World Government

A treaty to create a world government is to be created by treaty soon. This is tied into the global warming "crisis".

Devalued Dollar and Oil Prices

Our dollar is losing its value against foreign currencies' at an alarming rate. Why? Because of all the borrowing Mr. Tax-and-Spend and his buddies in the Congress and Senate have done and continue to do. The more the dollar's value goes down; the higher the prices we pay for everything go. It's like the see-saw in a playground, one end is always up and the other down. When the dollar's value is up, prices are down. When the dollar is down prices are up.

Political Correctness and False Cries of Racism

I am so sick of hearing about this or that person being racist because they do not agree with the Chosen One. I don't think he is the Second Coming of Christ, as so many do. If anything, I believe he is a made to order Anti-Christ. The Cult of Obama that helped get him elected was my first indication that the man and his followers posed a threat to our country. But God save me, I did not see it as being as the complete destruction of the United States that it is becoming.

I am a Southern Girl and was raised to be polite and not to hurt people's feelings on purpose. That should be all that is necessary. Instead there are more rules for political correctness in speech; spoken or written, than anyone can keep track of. It is as if the PC Police have decided to erase creativity at all costs with their limitations on language.

Who Am I to Say These Things?

I am an average late-middle aged woman with children and grandchildren. I am a woman with no influence in this world outside my circle of friends and family. I am an American woman and I am mad as hell and scared to death.

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