Thursday, October 22, 2009

Fiddling While America Burns

My passion saving for our way of life here in the United States is a surprise to my children and grandchildren. My children are a bit surprised at how passionate I have become about the path our country is traveling. The passion has always been there, I just didn't vocalize it. I should have. I took for granted that the United States was and would forever be the greatest country on the planet.

I and millions like me didn't pay attention as little bits of what made us great were whittled away. If we noticed, we were complacent and let our voices go unheard. Over the years, more and more corruption, behind the scenes deals and pay for play transactions took place in Washington and on the local level. We all bitched and groaned amongst ourselves. But no one did anything.

Now we find ourselves at the eleventh hour and the clock is ticking loudly as the seconds march by till the passing of our freedoms is complete. We are scrambling to do what should have been done long ago: return our country to the values that made it great in the first place. We are shouting at the leaders we put in place. We have learned that one party is not much different than the other. We have realized the people who we voted for care not one whit what we want or think. They have elected themselves our parents; they feel they know what is better for us than we do. And, by God, they are going to make us do their bidding instead of them doing ours.

What have we done? Is it too late to turn back to what made us who we are? Will the people as a whole rise up and take our country back? Can we? Are there enough people left with the backbone our forefather's had? In my heart I hope so. In my mind I doubt it.

Will our country, as we knew it, become a fairy tale for us to repeat to our grandchildren like the fallen Roman's told tales of greatness to their grandchildren after the fall?

Our arrogant President is fiddling while America burns. Why shouldn't he? He and his ultra liberal cohorts are the ones who doused the gasoline and lit the match. The change he promised to his cult-like followers was not change we can endure. Re-read his speeches and insert the word 'destroy' for change. Then you will have a clearer picture of his intent. Not just him, but the whole pack of liars and crooks we have in office.

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