Thursday, December 31, 2009

Our Prayers Go Out For Rush

As you may have heard, Rush Limbaugh was rushed to the hospital on Wednesday with chest pains. The AP reports:

Limbaugh was rushed for medical treatment earlier in the day. The statement said "Rush was admitted to and is resting comfortably in a Honolulu hospital today after suffering chest pains."

Updated information will be posted on his web site.

Rush, along with Glenn Beck and a few other voices, has greatly helped uncover the many wrongs being undertaken by our government officials. We all pray for his speedy recovery.

Obama Doesn’t “Get It”

Barack Obama has been teenager-in-chief president for 11 months.

He has enjoyed the job with its beautiful mansion, private jet, countless staff, and all the privileges that come with the title. Recently, when asked to look back at his first year in office and grade his performance, he gave himself a B+. Don't we all wish we could write our own performance reviews? I do. In his eyes and the eyes of his most loyal supporters, he probably does rate a B+. Not in mine.

Obama doesn't understand that "We the People" do not want or approve of buy-outs, more government intrusion into our lives, a takeover of health care, nor a closing of Guantanamo. He just doesn't "get" that we want to be safe in our own land; able to go about our daily business and travel without fear.

He doesn't understand that part of his job is to be sure that we are safe to lead our lives.

He doesn't understand that the time has long past when every disaster or short-fall can be blamed on George Bush. It's been a year.

Mr. Obama, it is time for you to be responsible and accept your accountability for what happens in this country. Stop it with the blame game and be a man.

Christmas Day, but for Devine Intervention, 300 people would have died due to a terrorist attack on a plane over Detroit. What part of the term "terrorist attack" do you not understand? You can no longer minimize terror attacks the way you have in the past.

You did it with Abdul Hakim Mujahid Muhammad, the Muslim convert who murdered a US Army recruit in Little Rock, Arkansas last June. You did it again with Major Nidal Malik Hassan, a Muslim who slaughtered 13 at Fort Hood, Texas in November. You tried to do it with Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab over the weekend.

Al-Qaeda and radical Islamists have declared war on us, Mr. President.

It's time to stop throwing lavish parties, playing golf and basketball, snorkeling, jet-setting all over the world just because you can, and otherwise acting like a spoiled, rich child.

It is past time to accept the responsibility as president and lead the nation. You wanted the job. Do the job.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Interpol Threat

I'm no expert at law enforcement in this country, let alone Interpol. That being said, last week President Obama signed an executive order granting diplomatic immunity to Interpol that can have far reaching, negative results for us.

To understand better what he did while we weren't looking, read this article by Erick Erickson of Red State. He explains it in simple terms that even I can understand.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

And We Are Supposed to be Scared of This?

So asks Spencer Ackerman in his blog post today:

For the sake of argument, let's take the most expansive theory of how Abdul Farouk Abdulmutallab tried to blow up a Detroit-bound passenger jet. According to the Wall Street Journal, Abdulmutallab gets an explosive device from al-Qaeda operatives in Yemen; takes a couple of layovers to get on the plane; boards with his device; ignites it; it fizzles; passengers and crew subdue him. And we're supposed to be scared of this?

Mr. Ackerman, the answer to your question is, Hell Yes!

So this terrorist was not very good at his job or his equipment failed. Maybe God stepped in and stopped the carnage. It was Christmas Day.

It brings home to us that there are still those who hate us to the point of sacrificing their own lives to kill our people. That's the bottom line. We can't afford to forget it.

The Day After Christmas

It's the day after Christmas and most of us are still feeling warm and fuzzy from our visits with family and friends. We are still checking out what presents we got, and if they were high-tech goodies, figuring out how to use them.

The only present most of us (55% according to the latest Rasmussen poll) didn't want was the health care bill the Senate passed on Christmas Eve morning. I had the opportunity this past week to personally talk to some people who, it is said by Reid, Pelosi and the Great One, would be most helped by this bill.

One is a young man of 30 years old who said his employer did not provide insurance. To purchase health insurance himself for his family of four would cost him $300. per week, he said. He opposes the health care bill! Why? Because his employer will have to close up shop or drastically change how he pays his employees as a result of the bill.

Another, a young woman of 40 years, says she cannot afford to purchase private insurance. Her employer does not provide health insurance due to costs now, and won't after health care reform either, he tells her. Her choices will be to assume the costs of a policy, pay the fine, or go to jail. She told me, while holding out her arms as if to be cuffed, that she will go to jail. "They will have to treat any illness I have, give me dental work and any medication I need in jail", she said, "and it won't cost me a penny." She is a vibrant, spicy young woman and made it clear she would go to jail to make a point of the unfairness of the legislation.

Both these young people work for small businesses. These small businesses are in trouble anyway due to the economy, and are desperately trying to figure out what to do when the added costs of health care reform strike home.

People I have spoken to who work for larger corporations are also worried. They have employer provided insurance and pay modest premiums each pay period. They feel certain their part of those premiums will skyrocket now that healthcare reform seems certain to pass. Others feel their employer will dump them into the public option, should it be reinstated during the final negotiations between the House and Senate.

Seniors I talk to are already hurting due to the lack of a raise on their Social Security this year. No matter what Congress says, inflation is here and the cost of living has gone up. Add to that the cuts in Medicare that are guaranteed in the Senate bill and the increase in Medicare premiums and they stand to be hurting even more, and soon.

The President, Reid, Pelosi, and all members of Congress and the Senate are so rich and powerful that they have no clue about life as an ordinary citizen. I believe they think everyone in the United States has the same amount of income that they do, except for some minority groups.

The people I talked to were not members of minority groups. This was not a scientific poll; it was conversations with friends and people who were willing to share their thoughts. These were people who for all their lives had let the government do its thing, while they worked and supported their families. These are average American's who are mad as hell and scared to death.

The healthcare fight is not over, it may take a month or two for the final bill to be passed and signed. In the meantime, we average American Citizens need to keep up the effort to contact our representatives of both Houses and try to make them see the light. It isn't too late, but the clock is ticking. Call, write, and email your representatives today and every day. Hound them at every turn. Maybe they will listen to us at last, maybe not.

We have to try….before we run out of time.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

We all pause this day, regardless of our individual faith or station in life, to celebrate Christmas.

The story of the babe in a manger all those years ago gives us hope and joy in times when otherwise there might be none. It gives us peace when peace is a hard commodity to come by. Today, even more than New Years Day, represents the end of a year and a fresh beginning.

As we celebrate this day, let us remember that if this great land succumbs to the socialist agenda being pursued by our government leaders, if it caves to the political correctness that removes all religious references from our holiday, then we will have lost one of the most important things of all: our spirituality.

This great country was made great by its people and their belief in a Higher Power. To some it may be a Power other than Jesus Christ and the Judeo-Christian God. It does not matter. All faiths recognize this day as a great day in the history of mankind.

The magic and wonder that a god would come upon a mere human woman and produce a man whose teachings have so influenced the world is something that should never be forgotten or pushed aside. The world is a better place for His existence and we in the United States owe our greatness to Him.

I pray from the bottom of my heart that each of you has a wonderful Christmas surrounded by those you love.

Merry Christmas!!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Which Label Do You Prefer?

Senator Shelton Whitehouse, D-RI, stated on the floor of the Senate on Monday that opponents of ObamaCare are 'birthers, right-wing militias, and aryan groups.'

Perhaps the Senator has been consulting with DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano, who referred to war vets returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, gun owners, religious people, and Patriotic citizens who believe in the Constitution as 'potential home-grown terrorists.'

So writes Anthony G Martin of the Atlanta Examiner. You can find his full article here. You can find a video of the Whitehouse speech here.

I and many more average American citizens oppose the ObamaCare bill. We are disgusted and appalled by the backroom deals and downright bribery that has taken place to push it through the Senate. Tomorrow morning they will vote it through and Nancy Pelosi will gleefully rubber-stamp it in Congress and speed it over to the White House for Obama's signature.

In early 2010 we will reap the rewards with higher taxes, higher Medicare premiums, less medicare coverage, and a government takeover of our economy and our lives that is unprecedented.

If we don't like it, well, they will call us more names.

Names like insurgents, terrorists, rebels (being from the South I sorta like that one), malcontents, and trouble-makers.

They will put us down and say we are just too ignorant to understand what a good thing they have done for us.

What they don't understand is that we are not ignorant. We are not stupid. We know corruption and graft when we see it and Lord, do we see plenty of it in Washington right now!

Its time to get out the tar pots and several tons of feathers.

They are calling us names. Nasty, derogatory names.

I prefer to be called a Patriot.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Saturday Mish-Mash

I've got nearly a foot of snow to dig off my driveway this weekend. I almost hate to get started it is so beautiful, but I must. So, for a post today I am going to give you some links to follow that you might find interesting. Stay safe and warm.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Congress Sticks It To Us Again

Check this out boys and girls. They have managed to screw over us again.

Congress Hurts Those Who Most Need Credit Cards - David C. John - The Corner on National Review Online

Will The Stupidity Ever End?

How many stupid Obama Administration ideas can I think of on a morning when I almost qualify as brain dead? Hmmm.

Cash for Clunkers comes to mind, the Stimulus Bill that didn't stimulate anything but more taxes, the Health Care Bill(s), that also just add more taxes, Cap and Trade which will add more taxes and destroy what's left of the economy, the Treaty Obama is probably going to sign in Copenhagen, and now, the latest: the Cash for Caulkers Program to encourage us to weatherize our homes.

Just goes to show you, the liberal nutcases in Washington have a never-ending list of ways to spend our money, without even asking. If we tried that out here in the real world, it would be called theft and we'd get a one-way ticket to the nearest jail.

Gasp: The SUN Melts Glaciers!

Oh no! Al Gore will be on life support if this becomes widely known.

According to an editorial in Investor's Business Daily:

Drip by drip, like a glacier melting in the sun, the claim that man is changing the climate is dissolving into irrelevance. The recent findings of Swiss researchers expose another hole.

Scientists at Zurich's Federal Institute of Technology have found that solar activity caused Alpine glaciers to melt in the 1940s at rates faster than today's pace, even though it's warmer now.

The study found that the sun in the 1940s was 8% stronger than average and far more powerful than it is today. It also concluded that solar activity was weaker from the 1950s to the 1980s, an era in which the glaciers advanced.

The Swiss researchers are spinning their own work, saying that the evidence doesn't mean the public can stop worrying about man-made warming. But their finding validates other researchers who have said solar activity has a far greater impact on temperatures than human CO2 emissions.

Who would have thunk it? Of course, Al Gore believes the polar ice caps will be melted completely away in a few years (at least during the summer months). I hope I live long enough to see him proven wrong on that one.

Monday, December 14, 2009

I use Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, and blog my heart out on several blogs. I belong to many online political groups, including The 9.12 Project, Conservative Underground, As a Mom, and a few more.

I believe Big Brother is watching me and anyone I associate with online. I also know I am a very small fish in the pond. My words are not widely read. I don’t have that much influence on that many people. But still, I am against the direction the current powers-that-be are taking the country and their disregard of the Constitution. So, I am a radical of sorts.

I just stumbled upon an article on about Big Brother’s online monitoring activities as reported in an editorial in the NY Times.

The lead in the Times article sums it up:

The government is increasingly monitoring Facebook, Twitter and other social networking sites for tax delinquents, copyright infringers and political protesters. A public interest group has filed a lawsuit to learn more about this monitoring, in the hope of starting a national discussion and modifying privacy laws as necessary for the online era.

Law enforcement is not saying a lot about its social surveillance, but examples keep coming to light. The Wall Street Journal reported this summer that state revenue agents have been searching for tax scofflaws by mining information on MySpace and Facebook. In October, the F.B.I. searched the New York home of a man suspected of helping coordinate protests at the Group of 20 meeting in Pittsburgh by sending out messages over Twitter.

In some cases, the government appears to be engaged in deception. The Boston Globe recently quoted a Massachusetts district attorney as saying that some police officers were going undercover on Facebook as part of their investigations.

I can’t help but wonder what would happen if this information had come to light during the Bush administration. The liberal media and bloggers would be up in arms. All MSM outlets would be demanding hearings and investigations. As it is, in the ObamaNation, it barely gets mentioned on an editorial page.
I just wanted you to know, we are being watched and the files on us dangerous, Constitution loving Patriots are growing daily.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Obama Update, Ho Hum

OK, yawn, I'm up way too early and have been web surfing and coffee drinking while my brain cells tried to kick start themselves into consciousness.

The royal couple are having a great week. They are in Copenhagen today, collecting the Nobel Peace Prize. Yawn. Oh, and Mrs. Obama has been selected as Barbara Walter's "Most Fascinating Person of the Year".

According to the LA Times, the number of American's who believe the president deserves to win a Nobel prize is dropping like a rock. He isn't gaining much favor from the European's either:

And according to news reports early today, Obama's decision to cancel numerous traditional visits by a prizewinner, including a news conference, a meeting on peace with children, viewing an exhibit in his honor and a concert, isn't going over too well up there. The president also rejected a lunch with Norway's king.

The CNN poll found only one percent of Americans do not have an opinion on the president's peace prize.

Doing the math from those numbers, that means that during the past eight weeks or so the proportion of fellow countrypersons who think the Chicago Democrat is undeserving of the global peace prize distinction has gone from an overwhelming 67% majority up to a gargantuan, groundshaking tsunami landslide majority of 80%.

I'm not going to comment on the Peace Prize this morning. I'll just direct you to a post I wrote on my other site. I still stand by that post.

As for the First Lady's honor, I'll again quote the LA Times:

Well, the long wait is over.

The holidays can now proceed.

Barbara Walters has announced the official Barbara Walters' Most Fascinating Person of 2009. 

It's not Adam Lambert, the oral sex mime. No, it's not Lady Gaga, the whatever. Nor is it Kate Gosselin. Or even Brett Favre.

And it is definitely not
Sarah Palin, who is a Republican making her second unsuccessful bid for the coveted national broadcast honor.

They were all just thrown in for the ratings mix anyway. Along with, of all people, Fox News' Glenn Beck.

Are you sitting down?

Barbara Walters' Most Fascinating Person of the Year is .......Michelle Obama. A Democrat.

No, really.

Well, I'm not surprised, are you? Be sure to read the whole article. It is amazing that the First Lady was stammering in her replies to Ms. Walters. Maybe she was star-struck. Or maybe she needed to borrow Dear Leader's teleprompter…

I don't know about you, but I need some more coffee. Maybe with a shot of something else thrown in for good measure.

How Much Will Cap & Trade Cost You?

Thanks to the folks at The Cost of Energy Project, you can find out with this cost of energy calcuator.

I live frugally and learned my additional costs will be $806.40 a year. Guess I'll not be complaining about working overtime anymore.

This and all the other new taxes and regulations Mr. Obama and his henchmen are adding to my financial load make me feel as screwed as an energy efficient light bulb. How about you?

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Obama’s Coup d etat via the EPA

President Obama is looking more and more like a third rate dictator to me. We are all hoping and praying to vote him out of office in 2012. What if, bear with me here, what if he discovers some emergency and uses it to postpone the election . . . indefinitely? Or, what if he uses good old fashion Chicago tactics and rigs the election, with a little help from his friends at ACORN and other subversive groups like the New Black Panthers. Remember the thugs at the Pennsylvania polling site, yep, those guys. The Justice Department has let them go scot free. What message does that send? Will we have to go into the voting booth armed? Will the votes be counted by the folks who counted votes in Iran? Fraud and corruption as rampant as they are in the current administration, I'd not be surprised.

Obama's use of the EPA to declare CO2 a hazardous material is an example of how he plans to take over the nation. It is totally against the Constitution and is being justified by the "emergency" of global greenhouse gas emissions. When did it become an emergency? So now are we supposed to live without breathing? To put it in very simple terms: plants use CO2 as their primary food, turning the air we exhale and CO2 produced by living our lives into oxygen and water, which we need for survival. It's a nice little arrangement the Earth invented on Her own, without help from scientists, congressmen, presidents, or Al Gore. Remember Al Gore, the fellow who invented the Internet and when that didn't pay off, discovered the "emergency" of global warming? Global warming has paid off for him, handsomely, but I digress.

Even the British have taken note of this travesty. Gerald Warner writes in the UK Telegraph:

Who needs tanks on the lawn when you have the Environmental Protection Agency? Barack Obama's use of the EPA to pressurise the Senate to pass his climate change Nuremberg Decrees shows his dictatorial mentality. He wants to override Congress, which is hostile to his climate gobbledegook because it is representative of the American electorate, and sideline the nation's elected Senators by ruling by decree, courtesy of the EPA. This is a coup d'état.

And what is the justification for this undemocratic action? The allegedly imminent threat from "Anthropogenic Global Warming". There is always a supposed threat, when tyrants take the stage. The President of the United States has just reduced his moral authority to the level of any Third World dictator heading a "Government of National Emergency". Fortunately, the world's leading democracy, which he is trying to subvert, has guarantees of liberty so deeply embedded in its Constitution that US citizens are well placed to fight back.

He goes on to say:

Obama hates America and, increasingly, that sentiment is being reciprocated. This is a socialist, World Government putsch. Have the American people the resolution to resist it? We shall soon know.

Well, do we have the resolution to resist? I hope so. If not, soon we will cease to exist as a nation of free people and will become the slaves of our vainglorious dictator-for-life.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Palin Derangement Syndrome: Dishing Out Low Blows

It's late at night or very early in the morning, depending on your perspective. To me, having just arrived home from work, it's late Friday night. Anyway, I'm making an attempt to catch up on my reading and write a post simultaneously. I usually read Legal Insurrection first. Mr. Jacobson has written several posts about Palin Derangement Syndrome, a condition contracted by most liberals during the 2008 election cycle. Currently, the liberal blogosphere is having a field day dissecting Mrs. Palin's book. I have a copy of said book, and since we are expecting inclement weather here in the backwoods, I intend to read it this weekend.

One of the most vicious of the leftwing bloggers is Andrew Sullivan of The Daily Dish. For some reason, known only to Mr. Sullivan, he is obsessed with the notion that Mrs. Palin's baby, Trig, is not hers:

Since the Dish has tried to be rigorous and careful in analyzing Palin's unhinged grip on reality from the very beginning - specifically her fantastic story of her fifth pregnancy -  we feel it's vital that we grapple with this new data as fairly and as rigorously as possible. That takes time to get right. And it is so complicated we simply cannot focus on anything else.

And in another post:

Palin has never produced Trig's birth certificate or a single piece of objective medical evidence that proves he is indeed her biological son. A child with Down Syndrome must have a pile of such records,  tests, assessments and ultrasounds that conclusively prove that he is Sarah's biological son. It seems bizarre to me that neither the public nor the campaign (so far as I can glean) has ever been given one of them.

I am aware that the liberal left is scared to death of Sarah Palin. Only fear can bring people to attack a person with the hatred they show daily. I don't understand why it is necessary to attack an infant. Unless you are King Herod and fear the eventual overthrow of your kingship by the child. I don't think that is their worry. They are afraid of the mother. Her common sense approach to government is alien to the liberals and they are attacking out of pure fear.

I'll give you my take on the Palin book later this weekend. Something tells me it is going to be a great read. Something tells me that she and I are made of the same stuff.

Be afraid, liberal cowards, be very afraid.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Job Summit Photo Op

Today's job summit is just more posturing and a photo op for Obama and his henchmen. As a former small business owner, I don't see anything positive about the meeting.

Once more, the administration is showing its lack of comprehension about the economy. The list of attendee's and non-attendee's tells the tale. There will be no representatives from the United States Chamber of Commerce at the summit. There will be no one present from the National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB). Really? Why not?

In attendance will be representatives of labor unions, environmentalists, and liberal economists. To my knowledge, none of these groups has ever had a part in job creation; instead they are the most instrumental in job destruction and prevention.

As each day passes, I am more convinced that this man we elected President and those closest around him are clueless. Mr. Obama is in way over his head and those he surrounds himself with are no better prepared to lead than he is.

After the meeting today, Obama will give us yet another campaign speech while nothing has been done to help anyone. It's just another photo op.



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