Monday, January 25, 2010

Not a Classy Blog

Jill Dorsen writes that she is sorry she voted for Barack Obama, not for what her vote helped do to us, but for herself.

I am a registered Independent. I voted for Barack Obama. And for that, I am sorry.

I'm not sorry for you. I'm sorry for me. Because I voted for Obama for me, not for you. I voted for hope and change and all the intangibles that Obama was peddling in the wake of the financial crisis, Sarah Palin, Sept. 11 and all the other ills that shook our country in the last decade. I wanted something new. Something different. What I got was, I suppose, exactly what I voted for - a spin doctor. And not a very good one at that.

Before John McCain unwittingly picked a tabloid-magazine cover girl for his running mate, I was leaning toward going Republican this time around. I did the second time Bush was on the ballot and I very nearly did the first time, too. But as soon as Palin climbed out of her igloo and onto the national scene, well, there was no turning back for me.

She continues:

But McCain made it easy. He's a smart man, I don't doubt that. But between picking Palin, suggesting that the first debates be delayed and, well, picking Palin, he made it easy for Obama to win. As Election Day drew near, all Obama had to do was keep his mouth shut to win.

I learned about this piece of garbage from my favorite blog, Legal Insurrection. William Jacobson noted that his was a classy blog and thus he wouldn't say what he was thinking.

Well, this is not a classy blog. It's a blog by a down and dirty Southern Gal who identifies with Sarah Palin.

I think this "apology" is no such thing. It is but one more instance of Palin-bashing, an example of Palin Derangement Syndrome.

Ms. Dorsen, I'm happy for you that you are sorry for yourself. I'm sorry that the Great One has not lived up to your expectations. Hello! Maybe you should have done your research on your candidate before you voted for him. Maybe you should have listened to those among us who were warning of the runaway train of big government this man proposed?

Apology not accepted!


  1. I think it is time, actually it is very late in the process, to stand back and look at where we are as a nation. If one did so then, I think one would conclude we seem to no longer be able to govern ourselves. We have created a political system that is failing to govern.

    If we look at the the George W Bush administration we find one that accomplished basically nothing in 8 years. The two major achievements of the Bush terms were a dubious tax cut and and education bill, No Child Left Behind." Unfortunately it was so under funded it has not had much if any positive results. That administration created the largest national debt in world history and got us in to two wars. One for bogus reasons and the other so poorly administered eight years later we are still fighting it and no end is in sight.
    The tasks we expected Bush to address were not. Nothing was done on immigration policy, election reform, social security, medicare, tax reform,and balancing the budget. To name but a few of the pressing issues Bush and the GOP were expected to address.

    Obama's administration is doing no better. Little or nothing has been or is likely to be accomplished by this administration. The war in Irag will slowly draw to a end and will accomplish little if anything to secure our country. Gitmo remains open with little chance of being closed. Any reasonable reform to our health care system has ended. We will continue to fail to provide reason health care and will continue to have 6 to 7,00 children die each year because of inadequate health care. thousands of middle class Americans will be forced in to bankruptcy for lack of medical coverage and Medicare will be bankrupt in a few years.

    We can continue to engage in what a useless war of words and finger pointing, but it seems we have come to the point where we need to question if the form of our government is the real problem. With shocking consistency during both the Obama and Bush administrations polling shows that the American people in large majorities think the country is going in the wrong direction. The reasons seem clear. No matter whether one likes or dislikes the polices of each administrations, they did not do what they were elected to do. It has not been for the lack of trying. The term most often applied to Washington is grid lock and it is a well deserved phrase.

    One might say we it is not our system but the people running it. But it seems it make no difference who we elect, the result is the same. Nothing really that needs to be don gets done. Well other systems allow administrations to actually proceed in implementing their agendas. Yours does not. So we need to back up and look at our system. Will the tea party groups have too often political agendas, some are point not to the failure of policies but the failure of the system itself.

    We seemingly are going nowhere as a country. It seems that the issues we need and ask to be addressed are lost in Washington Grid Lock and what does get done is controlled by special interests.

  2. Happy sunshine. Poor girl, lost and confused. Let's bash somebody, ANYBODY! That will make me feel better about myself.

  3. You stayed classy. Didn't use any profanity, didn't write anything I wouldn't want my children to read. - Nancy

  4. Douglas, The Founding Father's created a form of government that has worked for over 200 years. Since the early 1900's, the progressive movement has taken it off-course, into waters this ship was not intended to traverse.

    What is needed is not a new form of government, but a return to the government given to us by those brave souls and honest men and women in office dedicated to keeping it that way, instead of being dedicated to how much cold hard cash they can rake in while in office.

  5. Thank you, Nancy....I try to keep it family friendly. I am a grandmother, you know. :-)



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