Monday, January 18, 2010

Massachusetts Race Neck and Neck

The latest poll results for the Senate race in Massachusetts shows Brown with a slight lead over Coakley. Both sides are working hard to get out the vote.

If you are a Massachusetts voter, I implore you to brave the weather and get out there and vote for Scott Brown tomorrow. He may be our last chance to turn the tide of socialism that threatens to roll over us all.

I started this blog as a way to add my voice to the others who where protesting the socialist take-over of our great country. After Harry Reid's vote buying and influence peddling managed to get the health care bill passed on Christmas Eve, I began to lose hope. It started to feel like the battle was lost.

Then, from out of the blue, Scott Brown rode in in his pickup truck and gave me hope. In my mind I wondered that if that old pickup truck, the one Obama dissed yesterday, was the modern day version of a white horse.

As I watched Scott's campaign, my hope began to flutter to life again. Maybe, just maybe we do have a few good men left who won't bow to the King and sell the entire country down the river. Just maybe.

From Massachusetts all the way down to North Carolina, the hope for real change has spread from Scott Brown's campaign. God bless him.

So, please, if you are a Massachusetts voter and believe as the rest of us that this madness in Washington has got to stop, brave the snow and cold and vote for Scott Brown.

The rest of the us will be with you in our hearts and spirits. Help us!

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