Tuesday, January 19, 2010

MSNBC's Olbermann: You Lie!

This piece raises my ire. It makes me mad.

Olbermann, you are a self made SOB!

OK, people from Massachusetts:
Get out there and VOTE FOR SCOTT BROWN!

1 comment:

  1. This Alinskyite toady would call Mother Theresa a “hoochie mama” if it got Dear Leader a half-dozen votes- appalling.

    I love how they paint their opponents as “not discussing the issues” right before launching into a character assasination- John “Lurch” Kerry did the same thing yesterday. At least they’re disciplined and working off the same script- if you don’t mind glaring hypocrisy.

    Of course many Obot hacks like Olberman had their wagons not just hooked, but WELDED to the Hopenchange pony… now lame.

    And it’s not unusual for people get nasty and lash-out when it becomes clear they’ve blown a reckless all-or-nothing bet…

    ha ha ha ha ha ha ha- loser




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