Thursday, March 18, 2010

Midnight Ramblings of a Crazed Conservative

There are times I want to shout out to the "Representatives" in Washington, "What are you doing?" I want to go grasp them by the nap of the neck and give them a good shake. I want to turn them over my lap and spank them (yes, I know a few of the devils would enjoy that, but…).

Never in my life-time have I seen such a travesty as the one playing out this week in the capitol. What acts of desperation will they end up performing in order to get passage of Obama's health care bill? Ha, Obama's bill, heck, he doesn't even know what's in it. At least that's how I understood him on his Fox interview tonight. In reality, nobody knows what's in it.

Sure, we know what's in the Senate bill. That's what is causing all the uproar and dirty politics taking place right now. We know what's in it, and many representatives won't vote for the bill as it stands. But, they don't have a super majority in the Senate anymore, thanks to Scott Brown. So they can't go to conference on the two bills, make a new bill and get it passed. The result is the fiasco currently taking place.

Pelosi has to get something passed by hook or crook. And believe me, there is a whole lot of crooked going on in Washington.

In my opinion, what they are attempting to do in congress is unconstitutional. If they succeed our freedoms are out the window and gone. If they succeed unchallenged the precedent will be set for more and more legislation to be passed against the will of the people.

Nancy Pelosi is struggling with the lock of Pandora's Box. Lets pray she doesn't figure out how to open it.

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