Thursday, March 11, 2010

Another Attack on the Constitution

I write a little blog that protests the way our government officials are doing business in Washington and, on occasion, locally. Other than that I'm an average American: I get up each day, go to work, clean my house, take care of my family. . . but one of these days I could be arrested and thrown under the jail. Why? Because someone in the government I'm protesting decided I was a "threat".

Far fetched? Nope. Not if the “Enemy Belligerent, Interrogation, Detention, and Prosecution Act of 2010" passes. The bill in pdf form is here.

An article about the bill is here, that goes into more detail. But if passed it would enable our government to toss search and seizure rights out the window and come after dissenting bloggers, Tea Party activists, protesters, even your loud-mouthed neighbor down the street.

Who sponsored this? Senators John McCain and Joseph Lieberman. Hmmm.

Check it out. I need more coffee and a couple of aspirin.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know whether I'd choose coffee or a beer! Good morning sunshine..Their party is about over, ours has been going on for over 220 years. Typical children...they don't get their own way, and they have a tantrum. After the spanking they will behave again for awhile.



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