Friday, November 13, 2009

Obama’s Job Summit

Ok, so I am sitting here, in my pajamas, late at night working on a blog post. Does that make me unusual? I doubt it. I'm not in the basement though. No sir, Granny writes from the top floor. . . she can see further that way. What does make me unusual is that I have a job, a manufacturing job at that. Wow!

I see Obama has finally made a decision. Well, kinda, sorta. With unemployment now at 10.2 percent, he is going to (insert drum roll) have a White House Summit to address the problem.(Do you suppose they'll serve beer?) I guess the dollars he originally threw at the problem didn't work. Remember the we have to pass it now stimulus bill in February? It hasn't created any jobs that I've seen and I am not sure about the "saved" jobs either. Most economists I've seen on TV are saying that the number of "saved" jobs is vastly over-stated. I think they don't exist.

An article by Julie Pace on quotes Obama on the December summit, "We are open to any demonstrably good idea to supplement the steps we've already taken to put America back to work,"

I'll bet they are, since none of the steps they've taken seem to be working.

After making his announcement on the jobs summit, Obama took off for Asia on another Presidential trip. He sure loves to fly on his personal jet. The Associated Press article here gives his planned stops and meetings in more detail than I feel like delving into this late at night. In my opinion, he will be on a combination apology/begging tour this time around. Apologizing for all the things wrong about us (in his enlightened eyes) and begging the Chinese to keep loaning us money.

At the rate Obama's administration is borrowing money from China, we will be teaching all children Chinese as a second language within a decade.

With the job summit in the works and the trip underway, Obama has the world by the tail. Of course there are those other pesky issues: terrorism at Fort Hood, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the Obama Care and Cap and Trade disasters working their way through the Senate, disgruntled citizens, etc. But, wait! He has Pelosi, Reid and the Czars handling those issues. Have a nice trip, Prez.

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