Thursday, November 12, 2009

Finding Inspiration

We have been protesting, writing letters to our representatives, calling and emailing. They continue to ignore us and pass legislation we do not want. We have formed groups. We have gone to town hall meetings to no avail. It is easy to get disheartened. I know it was happening to me. I am a woman who people say has "bull-dog tendencies". When I get hold of something I believe in, I won't let go. I take that as a compliment. I was getting disillusioned at the prospect of the people who work for us ever listening to us. I was ready to give up, I wanted to just let go.

Yesterday was Veteran's Day. The ceremony in which the President lays a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers was in progress. Our television was on and I walked into the living room to watch. What I saw made me stop at the door.

My husband sat in his wheelchair, directly in front of the TV. He sat as straight as his body allows, silently saluting as the wreath was laid and Taps played. As the sound of the bugle ended, he finished the salute with the crisp sharpness of a Veteran. You know how to salute after spending 40 years in the Air Force.

It was then I continued into the room and wrapped my arms around this man who gave so many years to his country. A man who's only regret is that he no longer young enough or healthy enough to be on the front lines today.

Today I'm back at my calling, letter writing, and anything else I can to get our leaders to listen. I owe it to my husband and the other Veterans who gave so much. It's my way of fighting for them. Fighting that all they fought to preserve continues to be preserved for generations to come.

It's the least I can do for them.


1 comment:

  1. When we look into the eyes of a soldier/veteran it puts it all in perspective.
    May GOD bless you both!



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