Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Disappointment and Fear

I was shocked and angered at Scott Brown's cave-in to the democrats in voting to close arguments on the "jobs bill". Here in North Carolina, far away from Massachusetts, I supported him wholeheartedly. I felt that his victory was a sign from above that we could replace the leftist radicals in our government with something saner and more in line with the values that made our country the greatest in the world.

Like many of his Massachusetts supporters I now wonder if he will fall into lock-step with Reid and Pelosi on the healthcare debacle as well. Scott Brown was elected to stop the spending. He apparently has forgotten that in barely one month's time. It is too disappointing for words.

Looking ahead to the election's this fall, I wonder how many other candidates who are running on the platform the People want; less spending, smaller government and better defense, to name a few; will win based on their campaign and then do an about-face once in office.

Obama is preparing to make a last ditch effort to pass his healthcare bill. This one is a remake of the House and Senate bills already thoroughly rejected by We the People. His "summit" with Republican's is a sham, a photo-op and that's all. We know it and the Republican's who will attend know it. The bill that will be brought before the Senate and passed using the "nuclear-option" will be void of opposition input.

The People of the United States don't want what Obama and his cronies are selling. We are going to be forced into it however, because Obama believes he knows what is better for us than we do. Our health-care system, which is the envy of the world, is going to be destroyed from the ground up. Older American's are going to die by the millions from rationing of care. Younger people are going to see their taxes go so high that they can't survive.

This is not what the people who voted for Obama wanted when they listened to his message of "hope and change". Obama "hoped" he could get elected so he could "change" America into something none of us could recognize.

The Scott Brown vote shows us that we must be very clear to those we elect into office what we expect from them when they get there. We are all doing everything in our power to vote out the current people who seem hell-bent to destroy our country. The ones we send in their stead had better beware of the anger of the People.

Disappointment is one thing. Anger and Fear are the makings of something bigger than an election.

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