Monday, February 8, 2010

Learn Our History

We all studied American History in school. That was a long time ago for me. Since I have become so interested in politics and what's happening in our country, I decided it was time to refresh my memory. Over the weekend I started reading The Making of America, The Substance and Meaning of the Constitution, by W. Cleon Skousen. I'm almost through Part One: The Making of the Constitution.

I think reading about our early history and the trials and tribulations of the Founding Father's as they worked tirelessly to create a totally new form of government is something all of us should do. As children we studied about our history and tried hard to remember dates and places in order to pass our tests. As an adult who has traveled over all the original 13 colonies, I have a grasp of what I'm reading that is so much more meaningful than it was then. I've been to these towns, I know geographically where they are in relation to where I am.

In my reading I rediscovered how close our nation came to failing while operating under The Articles of Confederation. We owed war debt for the Revolutionary War and due to the lack of power granted to the Federal Government under the Articles of Confederation, were unable to repay that debt. We were borrowing money to pay the interest on money we already owed. Sound familiar?

England and Spain were poised at our borders, waiting for us to fail. Until we reworked our government and the Constitution was put in place our odds of survival as a free nation were slim and none.

Today, after many years of complacency by the people of our nation, that Constitution has been eroded and stands in danger of being destroyed. The Founding Father's were aware that could happen and warned against it.

It is indeed time for us to all take time and read and study the Constitution, and the history of how it came into being. I believe we will all be the better for doing so. We owe it to George Washington and those brave soldiers, who unpaid, starving, and clothed in rags fought for and won our freedom. We owe it to all those since that time who have fought to keep us free. We owe it to ourselves and generations yet unborn.

If we fail now, the result will be the same as it would have been over 200 years ago: the last hope of freedom in the world will have disappeared forever.

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