Saturday, April 24, 2010

Young Liberals – The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From the Tree

I'm on Facebook, as an individual and with a Fan Page for this blog. Today a conversation got started about the new Arizona law that attempts to stem the flow of illegal immigrants.

It was interesting; most participants were in their early twenties. I'm happy to report that my Grandson and his girlfriend were on the conservative side.

One of their friends is obviously a young liberal/progressive in her political leanings. That's her right. But when the argument began to go against her she cloaked herself in liberal tactics. I am of a mixed Native American and European American heritage. I suppose she learned this from my Grandson, who is proud of his Native American blood (as am I).

Upon my comment about how our ancestors had come over legally and new immigrants should do so as well, she tossed into the mix the question (I'll paraphrase here): Which ancestors did I mean, my Native American ones or the European ones who came and slaughtered them and stole their lands?

I'm putting this little incident out into the blogosphere to demonstrate how liberals are taught to debate. Once you see you are losing, make personal attacks on your opponent. We see this every day in the name calling that is talking place against the Tea Party Movement, and anyone else who disagrees with liberal/progressive policies.

The young lady in question had already accused the conservatives for being racist for agreeing with the path taken by Arizona.

Name calling; be it racist, extremist, right-wing radical, or a slur on your opponent's heritage are not a means to better understanding. They provoke anger and resentment and nothing more. But, maybe that's the point.

1 comment:

  1. It isn't racist to advocate the enforcement of existing immigration law. Grey Owl



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