I stumbled across this on the Judicial Watch Website and thought I'd share their list of 2009's most corrupt politicians with you. Listed in alphabetical order, they are:
- Senator Christopher Dodd (D-CT)
- Senator John Ensign (R-NV)
- Rep Barney Frank (D-MA)
- Secretary of Treasury Timothy Geithner
- Attorney General Eric Holder
- Rep Jesse Jackson, Jr. (D-IL)/ Senator Roland Burris (D-IL)
- President Barack Obama
- Rep Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)
- Rep John Murtha (D-PA and the rest of the PMA Seven
- Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY)
Judicial Watch goes in depth about the corrupt dealings of each of these "public servants" on their website. I suggest you hop over and take a look.
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