Ahhhh, now I see.
I, like many of you had been wondering what the democrats were thinking by passing legislation that would surely get them voted out of office this fall.
Silly me, they have a plan.
It's called Universal Voter Registration. According to an article by John Fund:
Call to all Patriots; it's time to start writing your Senators and Congresspersons to voice opposition against a Universal Voter registration. This legislation would involve the Federal government taking over from the state, the criteria used to register voters. Every individual from every list the state possesses would automatically be placed on the voter rolls. Now you may not think this problematic, yet the potential corruption in legislation like this could be MASSIVE. If you thought Acorn was bad, just wait as those unconcerned, apathetic voters who have never voted suddenly through ghost votes find a voice. Ghost votes that they never knew they cast, that were easily manipulated by corrupt forces in either party. Currently less than 40% of eligible voters vote in major elections, which leaves a potential for 60% voter fraud. Should this happen, wave our Republic .. good-bye.
The corruption potential wrapped in this package is enormous! James Simpson writes in the American Thinker:
The problems with universal voter registration are numerous and obvious. Many states' lists include vast numbers of illegals, including some states which allow illegals to obtain drivers licenses; because many homeowners have more than one home, there will be duplicates; because so many people are on so many separate federal and state government agency lists, there will be duplicates; and because so many lists exist with little or no cross-checking capability, all of these duplicates are likely to go uncorrected. Add to this the fact that Dems hope to extend voting rights to felons, and the whole thing begins to look like a nationwide Democrat voter registration drive facilitated by taxpayers.
Guess we can add this to our list when we write and call the low life's Congressmen and Senators that rule our districts represent us.
Not exactly reassuring, but it does make some sense out of the insanity. I'll be passing along the link you emailed me. Thanks for keeping me on my toes! With all I've had going on, I'm not keeping up with as much as I was. Hope you have a lovely day. Try not to freeze. Frost is looking pretty nasty over here this morning.