Tuesday, February 2, 2010

12 More Inches of Global Warming

This past weekend my little cottage was blessed with 12 more inches of global warming; as I write, it is being honored with a wintery mix of snow, sleet and freezing rain and the threat looms for another snowstorm in a few days.

I've been told that weather is not the same as climate and that I should not be discounting global warming because of recent weather events. The first time I got this reprimand was when I commented about the huge snowstorm of December 18th and the arctic cold that linger here for the rest of December. When this snow fell, there were still piles of the December snow to be found around the edges of local parking lots.

Don't get me wrong, we get snow In Western North Carolina every year. Usually 1 to 3 inches at a time that melts within a day or two. This, folks, is not normal!

My understanding of the greenhouse effect is that the earth warms everywhere. Greenhouse gasses warm the planet to the point where it is tropical or subtropical all over. In the middle of this winter, I'm starting to think that wouldn't be such a bad thing.

If the Earth warmed up; people would be displaced; some islands would disappear, etc, etc. You've heard all those dire warnings. Such changes would take place over a long, extended period of time, not overnight. People (and other creatures) would have time to relocate. Of course, with ice melting at the poles, sea levels would rise. My advice, if global warming is indeed happening: don't buy beach front property.

Recent disclosures of faulty information, raw data disappearing, official reports being based on student papers and magazine articles just make this old gal more convinced that global warming is a hoax. It is a manufactured fear. Its goal is to gain control over our lives and pocket books while making a select few richer than scratch.

Mother Earth has been around a lot longer than we have. Like all living organisms, she changes and evolves. Over her life-time she has warmed up and cooled down many times; and will continue to do so. She needs no prompting from Al Gore or faulty science to do so and we are powerless to stop her when she decides to make a change. We humans have to adapt and go with the flow. We've done that for the entirety of our existence on this planet and if we are smart, we will continue to do so.

1 comment:

  1. The owl's eyes are about ready again...I'm a little late for this post, but just in time for Fri.& Sat to do it again.. Betcha a nickle we get bypassed..



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