Monday, July 5, 2010

Moving Day

I have been thinking about moving this blog to a different provider for sometime. At this point, the other Political Granny site is up and running, posts have been transferred from this site over to the new, and I am ready to make the move. It is like moving from one home to another in a way.

I still have some tweaking I want to do to the other site, so it may mysteriously change before your eyes as I rearrange the furniture and make it more to my liking as time goes by.

So, the new site is also Political Granny, please update your links. I’d dearly love to see you over there. Both of you.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 234th Birthday, America

As we celebrate this day, let us not forget the over 200,000 men and women in uniform spread across the globe who defend us each and every day. Lets say a prayer for them and their fallen comrades. Lets us do whatever we can for those who return wounded in body and soul. Let us not forget the families of those who gave (and will give) the ultimate sacrifice for their country and for us.

As we celebrate this day, let us be thankful for those brave men and women of 234 years ago who laid everything on the line to fight tyranny and gain our freedom as a nation and people. That small, rag-tag army fought the most advanced, sophisticated army in the world at that time. The odds were stacked against them. King George was not worried. He was certain that his forces would soon bring the rebels to justice and the colonies back in line. He was wrong.

There is something about American’s that makes us hate tyranny. There is a spark in our souls that loves freedom more than life itself. We understand at a deep level that life without freedom is no life at all.

As we celebrate this day, the anniversary of our birth as a nation, it is easy to get caught up in the festivities of the day and forget the trials and tribulations our Founders faced as they forged a nation from raw steel. We were an unruly bunch then just as we are today. A People made up of different backgrounds and beliefs who’s common thread was love of God and Country.

There are those today who would remove all references to God (or any Higher Power) from our history. If you take time to read about the Revolutionary War years and the years thereafter as the Founders struggled to come up with a new system of government, you will see Divine Intervention at work. No matter what god you believe in, if any, you have to recognize that something supernatural assisted us.

Today, 234 years later, the push is on the remove all acknowledgment of God (by any name) in our founding and rise to superiority. There are those who would have us turn as a nation from belief in a higher power to belief in governmental power. They would reduce us from a nation of doers to a nation of people awaiting the next government handout. They are chipping away at our nation, slowly but surely, chipping away the fabric that makes us who we are.

My answer to them on this day is to place the text of the Declaration of Independence here. Please read it again. Read it slow. Savor each word and make them your own. This was a declaration of war against oppression. It should be emblazoned on each and every American heart.

IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.

He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.

He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only.

He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.

He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.

He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the Legislative powers, incapable of Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within.

He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands.

He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary powers.

He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.

He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance.

He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures.

He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power.

He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:

For Quartering large bodies of armed troops among us:

For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States:

For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world:

For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent:

For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury:

For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offences

For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighbouring Province, establishing therein an Arbitrary government, and enlarging its Boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these Colonies:

For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments:

For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.

He has abdicated Government here, by declaring us out of his Protection and waging War against us.

He has plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people.

He is at this time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to compleat the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation.

He has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands.

He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.

In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.

Nor have We been wanting in attentions to our Brittish brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends.

We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.

The 56 signatures on the Declaration appear in the positions indicated:

Column 1
Button Gwinnett
Lyman Hall
George Walton

Column 2
North Carolina:
William Hooper
Joseph Hewes
John Penn
South Carolina:
Edward Rutledge
Thomas Heyward, Jr.
Thomas Lynch, Jr.
Arthur Middleton

Column 3
John Hancock
Samuel Chase
William Paca
Thomas Stone
Charles Carroll of Carrollton
George Wythe
Richard Henry Lee
Thomas Jefferson
Benjamin Harrison
Thomas Nelson, Jr.
Francis Lightfoot Lee
Carter Braxton

Column 4
Robert Morris
Benjamin Rush
Benjamin Franklin
John Morton
George Clymer
James Smith
George Taylor
James Wilson
George Ross
Caesar Rodney
George Read
Thomas McKean

Column 5
New York:
William Floyd
Philip Livingston
Francis Lewis
Lewis Morris
New Jersey:
Richard Stockton
John Witherspoon
Francis Hopkinson
John Hart
Abraham Clark

Column 6
New Hampshire:
Josiah Bartlett
William Whipple
Samuel Adams
John Adams
Robert Treat Paine
Elbridge Gerry
Rhode Island:
Stephen Hopkins
William Ellery
Roger Sherman
Samuel Huntington
William Williams
Oliver Wolcott
New Hampshire:
Matthew Thornton

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Attack On Free Speech

Watch what the other hand is doing, folks. While scenes of oil soaked birds and other wildlife and live shots of the gusher beneath the Gulf fill our television screens the Obama crowd is plotting to shut us down.

A controversial bill is being quickly moved though the Senate that will give President Obama the ability to close the internet for 30 days or more, whenever HE decides there is a “threat” to national security. The bill is loosely worded and does not specify criteria the president should use in determining just what such a threat might be.

Prison Planet reports:

The Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act, which is being pushed hard by Senator Joe Lieberman, would hand absolute power to the federal government to close down networks, and block incoming Internet traffic from certain countries under a declared national emergency.

Despite the Center for Democracy and Technology and 23 other privacy and technology organizations sending letters to Lieberman and other backers of the bill expressing concerns that the legislation could be used to stifle free speech, the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee passed in the bill in advance of a vote on the Senate floor.

In response to widespread criticism of the bill, language was added that would force the government to seek congressional approval to extend emergency measures beyond 120 days. Still, this would hand Obama the authority to shut down the Internet on a whim without Congressional oversight or approval for a period of no less than four months.

The Senators pushing the bill rejected the claim that the bill was a ‘kill switch’ for the Internet, not by denying that Obama would be given the authority to shut down the Internet as part of this legislation, but by arguing that he already had the power to do so.

President Obama has been systematically hijacking our business and banking system since taking office. The mainstream media is in his pocket (and the pocket of any other politician they like). As a result many of us rely on internet sources to learn what is really happening. Citizen reporters, bloggers and film makers keep us up to date on news that the mainstream media filters and withholds.

The President already has far reaching powers that allow him to do whatever is necessary in a real emergency.

This bill makes it extremely possible for this or future presidents to close the entire internet system or parts of it based on his own interpretation of a “cyber emergency”. That could very well be sources of information revealing corruption in the administration, scandal that would cause an negative impact among voters, or simple a crack down on free speech in general.

Don’t believe me?  The Prison Planet also has this tidbit of interesting information.

Fears that the legislation is aimed at bringing the Internet under the regulatory power of the U.S. government in an offensive against free speech were heightened further on Sunday, when Lieberman revealed that the plan was to mimic China’s policies of policing the web with censorship and coercion.

“Right now China, the government, can disconnect parts of its Internet in case of war and we need to have that here too,” Lieberman told CNN’s Candy Crowley.

We should be like China? Please tell me I’m dreaming!

What can we do? Well, we can call and raise hell to our nonresponsive Senators. Of course, that may not work. they don’t seem to care what we want.

Secondly, any Patriots and Patriot groups should be considering and implementing backup communication plans in the event the President decides to shut down our primary means of communication. He would dearly love us to sit down and shut up. We can not do that, no matter what the cost.

We will resort to smoke signals if necessary. Of course, then the EPA will probably be after us too.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

With the Stroke of His Pen

Obama is considering signing an executive order to grant amnesty to all illegal's already in the United States.

I’m not an extremely educated person, but doesn’t that go against the Constitution? Isn’t that a way to circumvent the Congress and have the executive branch making law?

He wouldn’t dare do that. Would he? Sure he would. He desperately needs the 15 to 20 million new voters before the 2012 election. Voters who “owe” him something. Voters he can depend on to do his bidding.

I think he will do it when he feels the time is right. Maybe this year, but surely before the 2012 elections, in time to get all the illegal’s on the voting rolls. Look at all the other things he has done that no other AMERICAN president would do:

  • Nationalize a car manufacturer
  • Fire the CEO of a private company
  • Nationalize a bank
  • Nationalize the entire health care system against 60 or 70% of the American people’s wishes

I also wouldn’t be surprised to learn that he has an executive order declaring martial law somewhere on his desk. Waiting for the time to be right. Waiting for the opportunity to declare an “emergency”; cancel elections, and become our “president-for-life”.

He wouldn’t dare, you say? Watch him. You’ll see.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Much Ado About Nothing

After reading the article in Rolling Stone about General McChrystal, I am at a total loss as to what the media frenzy is about. Very few quotes are directly attributed to the General and those are not at all derogatory to the President. In fact, most quotes are from un-named staff members.

I read the article slowly, I took my time and looked for the comments the media had led me to believe were there. I found nothing of the sort.

Is this a diversionary tactic to take our minds off the oil spill, the economy, illegal immigration, more job killing legislation and many other possible events that are much more important? Probably.

Or maybe Obama just got tired of McChrystal and wants him replaced?

The end result of reading the article is that General McChrystal is being thrown under the bus. I just don’t know why.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Nothing New Here.

Obama’s speech last night was over 50 days too late. I saw no brilliant leadership, no stepping up to the plate. All I saw was a third-rate politician using a disaster he has basically ignored to push his political agenda.

Thumbs down, Obama. I expected better, even from you.

Monday, June 7, 2010

I Couldn’t Have Said It Better

Please hop over and read this article in the American Thinker….Stuart Schwartz has hit the nail on the head. Read it here.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

My Thoughts On The Oil Spill

The oil rig explosion and resulting oil spill in the gulf has broken my heart. It saddens me that in the aftermath of the explosion the environmental disaster has drowned any coverage of the 11 lives that were lost and the devastation brought to their families. Then again, those families were probably relieved at not having cameras and microphones jammed in their faces each time they ventured out.

Now BP is being set up as an evil villain, the scourge of the earth, by the Obama administration. The explosion was an accident. (Am I the only one who wonders about sabotage?) Anytime you have humans and machinery, sooner or later there will be an accident. That’s a natural law. The oil spill and the damage it is causing is a crisis (never let one go to waste, remember) and the Obama administration will make good use of it to further their agenda. I guarantee it.

We have no real idea of how much oil will eventually end up in the ocean, or how far it will spread. I saw one model that shows it potentially entering the gulf stream and heading for Europe. I wonder if the European nations will then sue the United States? Will Obama settle out of court? Will it cause an international crisis?

As an animal lover I am saddened at the loss of wildlife. I realize that there is no way for us to know the total impact this will have on the marine life in the Gulf or the Atlantic for that matter. This crisis will not be over once the spill is stopped. It will last for decades.

I certainly don’t have the knowledge to fully comprehend the long-term effects. I don’t think anyone does.

However, I don’t think we need to stop drilling for oil. We need it, we should go after it. We should learn what went wrong that caused the explosion and take measures to prevent another. We should, perhaps, drill in Alaska and other places where a similar incident would not cause such widespread damage to populated areas or fishing grounds.

No matter what the rabid environmentalists like to think, we are a nation that depends on oil and oil based products to survive. That won’t change in this generation. Developing new energy sources and implementing them will take time and money and we are broke. We must keep drilling and keep building our own refineries to process our own oil. We must find safer ways to drill to prevent further catastrophes like the current one.

We can do it. We are American’s.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Memorial Day

Cannon 2010 048

May we never forget and always honor our soldiers; past, present, and future. May they be blessed for all they have done and continue to do to keep us free.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Abuses of Handicapped Parking – Is This YOUR Car?

This is another installment in my series of abuses of handicapped facilities by non-handicapped persons.

On a trip to our local Wal-Mart, we encountered this vehicle, an SUV pulling a trailer, parked in the handicapped parking area in the marked off section between the actual handicapped parking spaces.


This made it impossible for a person using a wheelchair to disembark from a vehicle in the space next to the SUV (my original choice for a space). In fact, this action by the driver of the SUV effectively disabled four handicapped spaces from being of much use to a severely disabled person like my husband.



I don’t know what this driver was thinking. I saw no handicapped placard nor did the vehicle have a handicapped tag.

As I was snapping these photos with my cell phone a passer-by asked me what I was doing and I told her I was going to write about this and put the pictures on my blog. I didn’t turn the driver in to the authorities, but I did want to use this as an example of what not to do.

The yellow marked off areas between handicapped spaces are for people like my husband who need room to maneuver in a wheelchair.

Please be thoughtful and don’t make life any more difficult on the handicapped and their caregivers than it has to be.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

On Top Of Everything Else…

Granny has had two weeks of computer hell. Now, for a person completely addicted to computers and to one certain computer for blogging, this was not good. It was said blogging computer that decided to bid me farewell.

In the period of making the decision to purchase a new blogging computer and getting it ordered and delivered, the oil spill turned from disaster into mega disaster, Arizona managed to do the right thing and piss off the Obama regime and Mexico (you go Arizona), the apology tour continued with China (of all countries) being told how sorry we are that our bad-boy state, Arizona, decided to pass a law that over 60% of American’s approve of, and the list goes on.

It’s probably just as well that I couldn’t chime in. I would have probably said things that would have caused an influx of black SUV’s into my neighborhood.

My new blogging computer arrived yesterday. I’m in the process of figuring it out. It’s a laptop, so I can blog while in front of the television watching Fox News with my hubby.

Hubby sometimes has some very insightful comments on what’s taking place in our nation. I assure you I will steal them and put them in these pages (without permission or giving him credit) whenever possible.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Final NC District 11 Primary Results

The votes are all counted and in the end, Dr. Dan lost to Jeff Miller. We just didn't get enough people to the polls.

Miller seems to be a good man. I can't fault him on his decency. I'm just not sure about his ability to stand up to the Washington machine.

It boils down to this: here in the NC 11th District we can choose between Shuler and Miller. Pelosi's lap dog or a nice guy who won the primary because he was well known locally and was chosen by the good-ole-boy network.

Yeah, right.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Thoughts on the NC District 11 Primary

As my readers know, I supported (and still do) Dr. Dan Eichenbaum in the NC District 11 Primary. The election was close. So close, in fact, that the final results will depend on the provisional ballots and a recount. Those results are expected on May 11.

There are reports of voter irregularities. I am registered "unaffiliated". I had no problems voting in the primary; although there are reports that some unaffiliated voters were turned away at some locations. This remains to be verified. ACORN tactics in rural North Carolina! Disgusting if true.

Voter turnout in this weeks election was low. The vote is very close to a run-off between Dr. Eichenbaum and the tentative winner, Jeff Miller. Within the next week we will learn whether or not there will be a run-off election next month.

I did what I could to get friends, co-workers, and neighbors to learn about Dr. Dan and his principled approach to leadership. By having guiding principles in place, Dan has a firm foundation to base decisions on in Washington. What an idea. Principles. . .in Washington.

Dr. Eichenbaum ran a totally grass roots campaign. Miller was hand picked and backed by the NCGOP. Dr. Eichenbaum would go to Washington owing no favors to anyone other than the voters in this district. There is no way of knowing what strings are attached to Miller. Just because he belongs to the minority party does not mean he will be a good representative for We the People of Western North Carolina. Hand picked and groomed, Miller will be a puppet of those in charge and will do their bidding. The people be damned. Nothing will change.

Those who worked to elect Dr. Dan Eichenbaum did their best. I feel I did very little, there are those who worked from daylight to dusk, day after day for the cause. Those people have my gratitude; they took up my slack.

Now, these Patriots in Western North Carolina are depressed and tired. We all feel a sense of fear at what will happen now. But we will dust ourselves off and get back in the fight to save our nation and restore Her to what the Founding Father's envisioned Her to be.

We've may have had a set-back. Maybe not. Only the God's know at this point. However, one set-back will not lessen our determination to take our country back from the Progressives and anyone else desiring to fundamentally change America into something She is not meant to be. And we have God and the Spirit's of our Founding Father's on our side. We will prevail.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Is It Still OUR Country?

Or are we a Mexican Territory? Please read Michelle Malkin's post on happenings yesterday.

Where Were You?

My question is to the voters of North Carolina District 11....Where the hell were you on Tuesday?

Were you "too tired" as a good friend told me as she left work at 3:30 and I reminded her to stop and vote? Were you busy with everyday activities that could have waited a half hour? Believe me it wouldn't have taken long. There were NO lines.

Where was the anger you have expressed to me over the last 16 months about how the "leaders" are leading our country off a cliff and into the abyss? Was it all talk? Are you too lazy to move anything but your lips in opposition? Why, on something this important, did you not get your rear in gear and go vote?

My husband and I voted. He has lost a leg and is confined to a wheelchair. I loaded him and chair in the car, drove over to our polling place; unloaded, and we went in and voted.

Where the hell were you? You weren't in line. We went straight up and voted. You had not been there. It was midday and we were voters 59 and 60. You apparently didn't think it important. We did. We always do. We care.

So, please, tell me: Where were you? Why didn't you exercise your right and duty to vote?

And I'll tell you: If you didn't vote; don't complain to me. You got what you asked for.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Check Out Al Gore's New Home

Well, well, the climate change business pays off big for some.... wish I could afford an estate like this. It's their eighth I hear. Al Gore's new home.

North Carolina Primary Today

I and my hubby will soon be off to cast our votes in the North Carolina Primary. If you are a North Carolina Resident, I hope you will be doing the same at some point today.

This is our opportunity to make our voices heard in a way that our leaders will understand. In the state primaries, we have an opportunity to get candidates we can support in the fall elections. Send the best men and women out to challenge the incumbents in Washington and on state and local levels.

We vote in North Carolina's 11th Congressional District. We are voting for Dr. Dan Eichenbaum in the congressional race.

Where ever you are, vote in your state primaries. Choose candidates who hold your values. Lets have a revolution at the ballot box this year. If we elect the right people maybe we can avoid the next logical step in regaining our freedom: a revolution in the streets.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Dr. Eichenbaum Answer’s the Questions We All Have

1. Taxes: 
Will you vote in favor of eliminating the current federal income tax code in favor of a simplified tax program, several of which have been proposed, that are clear and understandable for all citizens to understand and comply with?

As your representative, I intend to be a sponsor of and vote in favor of HR 25 – the Fair Tax. The first section of this bill prevents the federal government from assessing a tax on income once the Fair Tax is implemented to prevent double taxation. The Fair Tax bill includes a "sunset" provision, namely, that the Fair Tax would lapse in seven years if the 16th Amendment is not repealed. I would support and vote for repeal of the 16th Amendment.

The current income tax was proposed by the Taft administration and passed by congress in 1909. North Carolina ratified the amendment in 1911, resulting in the amendment becoming part of the constitution in 1913, when the 36th state ratified it. Initially the income tax assessed individuals and couples 1% of their income and 2% of corporate profits, resulting in only 1% of the population paying any taxes. But as with all taxes, over the past 100 years, the maximum federal corporate and individual income tax has increased to 39% and 35%. Clearly, this will continue if the people do not call for a change.

But perhaps the greatest threat to freedom relative to the federal income tax is the enhancement of government control. Under the US current income tax code, government agents (President, Congressman, bureaucrats, etc.) have the power to reward corporations, groups and individuals, and penalize others, believing they are promoting the general Welfare of the people. Enacting the Fair Tax removes this unconstitutional power, while stimulating the economy and motivating the people.

Passing the Fair Tax bill and repealing the 16th Amendment addresses only one half of the challenge. The size and cost of the federal government must be drastically reduced. The quickest way to achieve this is by privatization of government departments and programs wherever possible to achieve reduced cost to the taxpayer through the increased efficiency available through free market forces.

2. National security (2 parts): 
Will you vote to quickly secure our nation's borders, for our national security and to maintain the U.S. as a sovereign nation?

Ronald Reagan reminded us that "A nation without borders is not a nation." Yes, I would vote to immediately secure the US borders by dramatically increasing recruitment, training, and hiring of border patrol agents, construction of physical and electronic barriers, and using the National Guard as a stop gap measure. It is noteworthy that the entire region within a nuclear power plant fence is considered federal land and strongly guarded by federal deputized agents. If the US can successfully guard 103 nuclear power plants within the states, surely we can protect the borders of our country.

What is your opinion about whether the 9/11 suspects should be tried in a civilian court in the U.S. or by a military tribunal? And, what is your opinion about Mirandizing terrorists?

It is my opinion that terrorists, by the very nature of their actions, are unlawful combatants. The do not wear distinctive uniforms, insignias or symbols, which distinguish themselves from civilians. They are not organized into military units with identifiable chains of command.

Given that no terrorist group has ever signed much less ratified the Geneva Conventions and given that they have violated every tenet of international law regarding treatment of prisoners and civilians, terrorist groups forfeit any entitlement to protection under the conventions. Terrorists are, therefore, not even entitled to POW classification. U.S. forces would be within their legal rights to treat captured terrorist members as they did Nazi saboteurs during World War II — trial by military commission and execution by firing squad.

The Third Geneva Convention demands that a "competent tribunal" determine the status of captives where there is doubt as to their proper status, but does not describe details of the process. Given that captured terrorists are illegal combatants, are not eligible to be classified as POWs, nor entitled to the protection and privileges of the convention, I don't see how they should be eligible to the same rights of US citizens under the constitution. I believe they should be retained and tried by U.S. military commissions, which does not extend the right to keep silent under the Miranda statute.

Please note that the decisions regarding terrorists are the responsibility of the Department of Justice (Executive Branch), not congress.

3. Bills (3 parts): 
Would you vote for a law that requires final legislation to be available for public review at least seven days prior to the vote? If not, why not? 

Yes, I would support such a law. The technology of today allows every citizen to review proposed bills online. The seven day interval opens the process, permitting the citizen to inform his Representative of his view. This does not absolve the Representative of his obligation to judge the constitutionality and usefulness of the bill. 

Would you vote in favor of a bill that required Representatives to personally "read the bill"? 
It is indeed a sad state that this question would need be asked or discussed. Yes, I would support a bill that requires each Representative to attest that he has read the bill prior to voting. I would write the bill such that if the Representative could not attest to reading the bill, it would automatically result in his "No" or "Against" the bill. 

Would you agree to vote for a law that states:  'Any legislation which creates a new bureaucracy will be regularly reviewed and renewed by Congress or end through an automatic Sunset Law.' 
Yes, I support timely expiration dates for all bureaucracies. Given that requirements, needs, and technology is always changing, an expiration date would force succeeding congresses to reevaluate before renewing authorization. 

4. Illegal immigration (3 parts):

If elected and asked to vote for amnesty for illegal aliens currently in the United States, would you vote yes or no? Why? 
In 1986, the Congress and President Reagan signed the first amnesty bill. Reagan believed increased border security and enforcement of immigration laws would minimize illegal immigration going forward.

Unfortunately, this "one time"  amnesty bill did not solve the illegal immigration issue. There was extensive document fraud by aliens and the numbers of illegal aliens applying for amnesty far exceed estimates (2.8 million). And not surprisingly, there was little political will to enforce new employer labor laws. Subsequent amnesty bills were passed in 1994, 1997, 1998, and 2000.

Experience confirms that amnesty does not prevent illegal immigration, it promotes it. Additionally to "winking"  at these law breakers, it bypasses the screening process which blocks potential criminals and terrorists from entering the US. It is also unfair to those who have lawfully stood in line, awaiting the opportunity to experience American freedom.

As a member of the House, I would not vote to extend amnesty to those who broke our laws by illegally entering our country.

Would you vote against granting citizenship to a child born in this country whose mother is not a U.S. citizen, not married to a U.S. citizen or not in the country legally? If not, why not? 
Yes, I would vote against granting citizenship to children of illegal residents.

Currently children born to illegal alien mothers within U.S. borders are considered citizens, which results in drawing in the illegal alien mother and many other relatives to the US. I would argue that this policy is counter to the intent of the 14th Amendment. I am in agreement with Senator Jacob Howard who clearly stated the intent during deliberation before ratification of the Amendment.

"Every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons. It settles the great question of citizenship and removes all doubt as to what persons are or are not citizens of the United States. This has long been a great desideratum in the jurisprudence and legislation of this country."

Would you vote against allowing people who entered the country illegally to receive Social Security or other Government benefits? If not, why not? 
I would vote against any measure that grants any benefits to illegal aliens. Given that the person under consideration is classified as an illegal alien, how can anyone advocate rewarding them Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Food Stamps, etc.

5. Second Amendment: 
Would you vote for supporting the right of non-felon citizens to bear arms in any circumstance? If not, why not?

The words "any circumstance" is problematic. While I fully support the right of non-felon citizens to purchase, keep, and bear arms without restriction, I believe there are times and locations where arms are inappropriate. For instance, I would reserve the right to restrict persons bearing arms from entering my home, business, church or voting place. 

6. Healthcare (2 parts): 
Will you oppose attempts by the Federal Government to further regulate the purchase and administration of health care for citizens in the U.S and cease further attempts to regulate the purchase and administration of health care in the U.S.? 

Where do you stand on enacting tort reform to end the ruinous lawsuits against doctors and medical providers? Will you vote for or against tort reform? 

As a practicing physician for the past 34 years, I understand that there are problems with our healthcare system that need to be addressed. The current legislation will not fix any of these issues. Instead, the social/progressive Senate and House Healthcare bills are nothing more than a massive bureaucracy that will lead to the premature death of everyone except the wealthy and the government elite. In spite of their vehement denials, bureaucratic committees and affiliated semi-professional panels are designed to specify treatment protocols for various diseases based on cost-benefit criteria that will limit and restrict treatment for many Americans. The inevitable result will be decreased quality of care and, beyond a doubt, rationing and limited availability of care for almost everyone. In addition, both bills contain massive tax increases that will affect everyone's ability to afford insurance and, ultimately, medical care itself.

We all know that the most efficient way to improve our medical care system is to allow the free market to function normally. Health insurance should not be tied to employment or employers. Each health insurance policy should be privately owned by the person insured, and all government restrictions (federal and state) must be eliminated except those necessary to ensure availability of insurance to everyone. Premium costs would decrease because health insurance companies could compete on a national scale, and individuals could design their own policies based on specific personal needs. Tort reform, an essential part of healthcare reform, must include provisions for limiting punitive damages to malicious intent, requiring a "loser pays" requirement for frivolous suits, pre-screening suits by medico-legal panels, and a legal recognition that a poor result is not grounds for suit. An expansion of tax-free health savings accounts and a national insurance pool for high risk individuals would further allow for most citizens to have access to insurance and to health care.

As a physician, I understand that some of our citizens may still not be able to afford health insurance. In the past, I was able to treat patients for free or for minimal fees by my own choice. In other words, a patient without insurance was able to ask me for a fee reduction in the same manner that a buyer could negotiate with a vendor at the flea market. Current government regulations, however, prevent physicians from giving medical care at discounted rates, thereby preventing the free market from operating as it should. Government has no business preventing a patient and a physician from dealing directly with each other on all matters relating to the patient's care. 

On a philosophical and Constitutional level, people must recognize that healthcare is a commodity, not a right. As Jefferson believed, the right to own property is an essential part of individual freedom, and that "property" includes the work of one's hands. When Group A is given "property" that is taken by government force from Group B and that "property" is termed Group A's "right", the members of Group B are inherently considered inferior in status to Group A. The members of Group B are thereby enslaved to Group A by being forced to work for a "fee" set by a third party (the government). With years spent in college, medical school, internship, residency, and fellowship, I didn't have a "real job" until I was 33 years old. Few will make that enormous sacrifice to become a government employee who can only treat patients as prescribed by government bureaucrats with less education and experience.

The fact that this administration and Heath Shuler will not consider any of these alternatives belies their desire to replace our current medical care system, the best in the world, with a socialized system that reduces the quality and availability of care to most of us. It is just not necessary to destroy and rebuild the entire house to repair a leaking roof. 

7. Unsustainable budgets (two parts): 
Where do you stand on fiscal restraint, and will you vote in favor of establishing a balanced budget (with exceptions only for periods of declared war, a declining GDP, or in the event of a major natural disaster)? If not, why not? 

I believe it is obvious to everyone that spending is out of control, and the numbers attest to the fact. The current US GDP is $14.2 trillion, and the current US debt is $12.4 trillion, a ratio of 87%. The 2010 US budget deficit is $1.4 trillion and growing. When one adds the unfunded liabilities of social security, medicare, medicaid, and government pensions, the national debt exceeds $107 trillion. Clearly, this financial course is unsustainable.

Unfortunately, the majority of current leadership shows no signs of an appreciation of this financial crisis. The lack of appreciation was illustrated in the recent House vote on increasing the debt ceiling and PAYGO legislation. While most Democrat Representatives, including Mr. Schuler, affirmed both bills, only 24 did not vote to raise the debt ceiling.

As your District 11 Representative, I will support and endorse a balanced budget each fiscal year, with the exceptions listed in the question.

Will you oppose "earmarks" that are inserted to bills by Representatives that allow them to provide for funding their pet projects which are intended to buy votes of their constituents but not for the good of the nation? 

Yes, I am opposed to "earmarks".  Spending bills should address only one issue, and each expenditure should be openly debated and voted on separately. 

8. Energy (two parts):

Would you vote for reducing our dependence on foreign oil by at least 5% year over year each year you are in office? If not, why not? 
9. Would you create or vote for a bill to "drill here, drill now"? 

Answer to #8 and #9: 
Dependence on foreign oil for our nation's energy needs and pending climate change legislation ("Cap and Trade") pose severe threats to our nations security and economic recovery. On the first Earth Day forty years ago, a small group of scientists predicted that by the year 2000 earth's temperature would have decreased by 11 degrees and that 70 – 80% of the species on earth would become extinct. Today, when meteorologists cannot even accurately predict the weather 2 – 3 days in advance, another small group of scientists claim they can tell us what the temperature will be two to three decades from now. Meanwhile, although thousands of reputable scientists dispute the entire concept of carbon-based global warming, no scientific debate on this issue has been allowed to occur.

Cap and Trade legislation is not about climate change. It is all about taxation, regulation, and increasing the power and size of the federal government. This bill allows unprecedented government intrusion into our personal lives. The federal government could monitor your home electricity use and decide to tax you if you use what some bureaucrat thinks is too much. Other provisions would let the government meter private wells, control your thermostat settings, and would raise the cost of all energy used for transportation, food production, and manufacturing. It would be a national job-killer and especially costly for rural areas like ours.

Protecting our planet's ecosystem is an important goal for all humanity and should be a long term project for our country in conjunction all other nations. In the short term, however, we cannot sacrifice our nation's economic growth and the financial welfare of our citizens to appease other nations, especially those who refuse to cooperate with conservation efforts. We must empower private industry to develop energy sources that are more environmentally friendly. At the same time, the government must not prevent the exploration, extraction, and production of the energy from traditional sources here. We have sufficient energy in our own country to be energy independent now and in the near future. We must eliminate government restrictions and regulations currently in place and allow free market forces to achieve this goal.

As your congressman, I will introduce legislation that specifically allows a "drill here, drill now" program for oil exploration, promotes the construction of nuclear electricity power plants, and enables the use of natural gas for transportation and industry. I would have voted AGAINST Cap and Trade legislation and further introduced legislation to remove authority from any government bureaucratic agency to regulate, tax, or restrict energy use, exploration, manufacturing, carbon, carbon dioxide, or any other regulation that would impede free market development and/or use of energy. 

10. The United Nations (two parts): 
Would you vote for or against the United States withdrawing from the UN? If not, why not? 
Would you vote against United Nations recommendations or dictates given to the United States? If not, why not?

Our membership in the United Nations has lasted long past its usefulness. While it is good to have a forum for the international community in which nations can air grievances and attempt to solve disputes, the UN has become stage for anti-American rhetoric by a variety of despots whose primary goal is the preservation of their own wealth and power. In addition, the UN is a money pit that cannot exist without our generous support. We must prioritize our financial obligations, and the UN should be one of the first budget items to be reduced or eliminated whether its offices remain in the US or not. As a world power, however, we must remain a member ("keep your friends close and your enemies closer").

The push toward globalism sponsored by the current administration and the United Nations is a direct threat to our personal liberties and the rule of law as defined by our Constitution, and, as such, must be fought with all vigor and persistence. When our Constitution was written, treaties consisted of agreements one nation to another nation. For this reason, provisions were made so that no state could opt out of an international treaty agreed to by senate ratification. These provisions are extremely dangerous now that UN "human rights" treaties deal with citizens rights inside a nation. Senate ratification of UN treaties such as those concerning Rights of Children, Climate Change, Weapons, Judicial/Legal rights, etc., would allow international law to supersede state law to the detriment of our citizens. This possibility is unacceptable to me. Until it is possible to fix this constitutional loophole, we must actively prevent ratification of any international treaty that would contradict or restrict any rights and provision guaranteed by our constitution. 

11. Marriage: 
Would you vote against defining marriage as the union between ANY two people (of legal age)? If not, why not?

While I believe this is a state, not a federal, issue, my personal belief is that the definition of marriage is the union of one man and one woman. 

12. Congress (4 issues): 
Would you vote for term limits of four years (two terms) maximum in the U.S. House of Representatives? If not, why not? 

Term limits requires a constitutional amendment, a process that would require years to accomplish and is not likely to happen given that our congressmen prefer the "career politician"  job description. I have chosen to execute a "Bonded Term Limit Pledge"  in which I have signed a $500,000 bond, payable by me personally to a named registered charity, if I seek a fourth term in Congress. As citizens, in return for our support and vote, we should demand of every candidate that they also execute a term limit bond. 

Will you vote for the principles of limited government as the center of U.S. policy for economic and personal freedom as stated in our Constitution?

Yes, I would vote to limit the size and involvement of the federal government in accordance with the opening of the Constitution –  "establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity." 

Would you vote for decreasing Congressional salaries ($5,000/year) until Congress finds a real solution to creating jobs (e.g. cutting taxes, reinstating the Bush tax, finding solutions for small businesses to remain solvent, etc.), and the unemployment rate is brought well under what it was before 2009?

It is not the Federal Government's responsibility to create jobs. I believe in the principles of the free market. Government must get out of the way by reducing corporate taxes to less than 10%, eliminating capital gains taxes, eliminating the death tax, and drastically reducing the onerous burden of regulation that drives business out of our country. While I am in favor of reducing the salaries of all government workers to levels comparable to the private sector, such a measure will not necessarily have an effect on unemployment or business growth. 

Would you vote in favor of (or against) the proposed 28th Amendment to the Constitution that states: "Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators and/or Representatives; and Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators and/or Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States."? 

Yes, I could endorse and vote in favor of such an Amendment.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Young Liberals – The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From the Tree

I'm on Facebook, as an individual and with a Fan Page for this blog. Today a conversation got started about the new Arizona law that attempts to stem the flow of illegal immigrants.

It was interesting; most participants were in their early twenties. I'm happy to report that my Grandson and his girlfriend were on the conservative side.

One of their friends is obviously a young liberal/progressive in her political leanings. That's her right. But when the argument began to go against her she cloaked herself in liberal tactics. I am of a mixed Native American and European American heritage. I suppose she learned this from my Grandson, who is proud of his Native American blood (as am I).

Upon my comment about how our ancestors had come over legally and new immigrants should do so as well, she tossed into the mix the question (I'll paraphrase here): Which ancestors did I mean, my Native American ones or the European ones who came and slaughtered them and stole their lands?

I'm putting this little incident out into the blogosphere to demonstrate how liberals are taught to debate. Once you see you are losing, make personal attacks on your opponent. We see this every day in the name calling that is talking place against the Tea Party Movement, and anyone else who disagrees with liberal/progressive policies.

The young lady in question had already accused the conservatives for being racist for agreeing with the path taken by Arizona.

Name calling; be it racist, extremist, right-wing radical, or a slur on your opponent's heritage are not a means to better understanding. They provoke anger and resentment and nothing more. But, maybe that's the point.

Eichenbaum’s Views on Illegal Immigration

As you know, I am supporting Dr. Dan Eichenbaum in the North Carolina District 11 Congressional Primary. Dr. Dan is running as a Republican in a crowded field. In my opinion he is the only candidate in that field who can pose a serious challenge to the incumbent Heath Shuler. Shuler is a "blue dog" democrat who has proven himself to be Nancy Pelosi's lap dog when time comes to vote. Oh, he has voted "no" on health care and other issues, but only after enough votes were assured that his vote didn't matter in the outcome.

I've met and corresponded with Dr. Eichenbaum and believe he is a true conservative. His values and vision for our country closely match those of many of us who are in shock at what the current administration is doing to the nation. Dr. Eichenbaum has a plan and is man enough to put that plan into action when he takes a seat in Congress.

Yesterday, Arizona took the lead in doing something about the illegal immigrant situation in America. Dr. Dan Eichenbaum has strong views on the illegal immigrant problem. This is an excerpt from his website on illegal immigration:

"A nation is not a nation without borders. It is essential for our security that we enforce the immigration laws as currently written and erect whatever barriers are necessary to prevent illegal aliens, drug smugglers, and terrorists from having unlimited entry to our country. People who enter this country illegally and are convicted of crimes should be deported. Law enforcement personnel should be required to determine the immigration status of persons detained or arrested for criminal acts. While it is impractical to locate and deport each individual who is here illegally, taking these steps would enhance voluntary self-deportation." . . .

"Experience confirms that amnesty does not prevent illegal immigration… but instead, promotes it. Additionally, by "winking" at these law breakers, it bypasses the screening process which blocks potential criminals and terrorists from entering the US. Furthermore, it is unfair to those who have lawfully stood in line, awaiting the opportunity to experience the American Dream and freedom.

As a member of the House, I would vote against amnesty."

Dr. Dan Eichenbaum is my choice for U.S. Congress from N.C. District 11. Wherever you live, find a candidate you can support and work to get them elected. Our best weapon against the corruption in Washington is our votes and the candidates we choose to replace the current incumbents.

Trust In Freedom, Granny

Friday, April 23, 2010

Obama Watch – Arrival Day

The President and First Lady are scheduled to arrive at Asheville Regional Airport at 1:20 p.m. today. A cargo plane carrying the limo and other presidential accessories arrived Thursday morning. We have had numerous helicopters and military planes in the area for days.

Local authorities are under strict orders not to divulge the route from the airport to the Grove Park Inn, so local residents and motorists may be in for unexpected delays.

Here is a list of links to today's local articles about the visit.

Asheville Area Police, residents prep for Obama's visit

Weather for the visit – he might not get that golf game after all.

GOP comments



Thursday, April 22, 2010

Obama’s Asheville, NC Vacation Update

The area where I live is buzzing with talk about President Obama's visit this weekend. He has decided his 5th vacation since taking office will be a weekend stay at Asheville's famous Grove Park Inn.

I wish I could take 5 vacations in less than 2 years, but I digress. Why Asheville? The Asheville Citizen-Times reports:

Political experts said Wednesday that at least a little bit of calculation goes into almost every public move a president makes.

Obama could vacation anywhere he wants. He could tap his wealthiest supporter and relax at a compound well out of reach of news cameras and regular people.

The fact that he isn't staying somewhere strictly exclusive says a lot about how the nation feels right now, Knotts said.

"There is a lot going on right now in terms of anger with some parts of corporate America and the excesses and bailouts," he said.

"He probably doesn't want to vacation at the type of place only those folks can afford to vacation."

And also says:

Kohn said the area's attractions and restful pace are probably the driving forces in Obama's decision.

But he didn't downplay the importance of the Tar Heel State to the Obama administration, noting several visits by the president, first lady and Vice President Joe Biden.

"He has made North Carolina a battleground state, politically," Kohn said.

And then there are the disruptions to daily life in the mountains:

Plans for hot air balloon rides at RiverLink's Earth Day Picnic are grounded because of the planned visit of President Barack Obama.

Have a great visit, Mr. President. Western North Carolina is a beautiful place, worth anyone's time and effort to explore.

More Taxes for Us All

He promised that any of us who make less than $250,000 a year would not have any new taxes. He lied. We all know that. How deep and penetrating the lie was is what we are now learning.

Yahoo News reported yesterday that there will be an increase in the alternative minimum tax, a tax enacted decades ago to make sure wealthy people pay their fair share. Tax breaks enacted by President George W. Bush will also expire at the end of this year, increasing our tax rates. While not a "tax hike" the result for citizens is the same.

To those who read this and think to themselves, "Well, I make a lot less than $250,000 a year and I can live with my tax cuts disappearing", there's more. A handy European invention called a VAT (Value Added Tax) which adds a "hidden" tax to everything you and I purchase.

Another Yahoo News article puts it this way:

Many European countries impose a VAT, which taxes the value that is added at each stage of production of certain commodities. It could apply, for instance, to raw products delivered to a mill, the mill's production work and so on up the line to the retailer.

What is Obama's position?

President Barack Obama suggested Wednesday that a new value-added tax on Americans is still on the table, seeming to show more openness to the idea than his aides have expressed in recent days.

Before deciding what revenue options are best for dealing with the deficit and the economy, Obama said in an interview with CNBC, "I want to get a better picture of what our options are."

A Value Added Tax would hit us all. If you buy goods and services, you will pay more. The tax will be there, tucked into the price that just mysteriously went from $2.99 to $3.99. (I'm guessing on the amount here but you get my drift).

Everyone, from high paid executives to the elderly struggling to survive on a Social Security check, will have to pay the built-in VAT price hike on everything they buy.

We are already in tough economic times. Everyone is struggling to makes ends meet. To continue to spend with abandon and dream up new ways to tax even the poorest among us, our "leaders" are proving once again that they are completely out of touch with the people they are supposed to represent.

We are all tired of calling representatives who refuse to listen, but once again I issue the call to action. Let them know again you oppose this runaway spending and taxing spree they are on. Let them know that they do come up for election: if not this cycle, then on the next. Let them know we will remember and will put them on the unemployment line.

Find a candidate you can support in this election cycle and vote new people in, people who will represent you and listen to your concerns instead of the corrupt party leaders.

If we don't, they will surely tax and spend us into the poorhouse and then will tax the poorhouse out of existence as well!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Obama to Visit Asheville, NC This Weekend

I started hearing reports last week that the POTUS and family were coming to Asheville, NC this weekend. Just short, one paragraph reports. In today's local paper an article finally longer than a paragraph noted the planned visit.

The Asheville paper had more details here, here, and here.

Details are sketchy, it seems POTUS wants privacy during his vacation. Maybe he'll finally get in a round of golf at the Grove Park Inn.

Granny’s Back

I just went through a period of TBTP (too busy to post). I've been busy doing some campaigning for Dr. Dan Eichenbaum. He is running for the North Carolina 11th District Congressional seat in this year's Republican Primary. The field is packed with RINO'S candidates, but in unofficial polling, Dr. Dan seems to have the lead. The primary is on May 4th and I will report here on the results. In the meantime, wherever you are, if you have a few dollars to spare, you can contribute here.

I was depressed too… all the cheering and celebration by the liberal/progressives over the Health Care Bill passage made me sick to my stomach. I even had an argument with my nephew because he thought the passage of the bill meant he now had free health care. Yes, like RIGHT NOW, immediately after the signing into law part. Sigh… I tried to help him understand, but he is suffering from terminal liberalism.

I even tried to ignore the news. Hard to do when you are addicted to the Fox News Channel and live with a likewise addicted spouse. But I tried. I only threatened to throw something at the television when the Liar in Chief was making another of his multiple daily appearances. (When does this man get in any work? Oh, that's right, he doesn't.)

Many things are happening that make me believe they (the Obama regime) are trying to overload us with so much that we simply all give up step back from the massiveness of it all. After working through it in my own little pea brain (see, I admit it, liberals), I think we can make it through this bull shit crisis overload and prevail. I learned as a child growing up on a farm that when bull shit manure blocks your path you can step over it, go around it, or kick it out of the way (the latter is somewhat risky if it's fresh). Whatever we choose, we can outwit and outvote the liberal's. Keep the faith on that. It can be done and we will be successful.

So, Granny's back online and ready to keep fighting to save our country from those who would do Her in for their idealistic socialistic dreams. Let's roll Patriots! November is coming!




Sunday, April 18, 2010

EichenBOMB Washington - Great Patriot Money Bomb

On April 18th 1775 At the start of the War of American Independence, US patriot Paul Revere rode from Charleston to Lexington, warning people that British troops were advancing….

Liberty Candidates are letting us know that we need to win our American Independence back with Limited Government, Personal Responsibility, Individual Freedom, Fiscal Restraint and a Free Market Economy Based on Sound Money.

Dr. Dan is standing for election to Congress in NC 11 as a Constitutionally based, principled Republican. He is running a truly grassroots campaign, unencumbered by special interests and party politics. As such, When Dr. Dan gets to Washington, he will have no favors to repay, and he will be beholden to no one but the United States Constitution and his constituents.

Dr. Dan is working very hard to get through the primary and then it's on to the general in November to beat Shuler. We are asking all Dr. Dan supporters to please dig deep in their pockets and contribute as much to the campaign as you can afford to contribute. Every penny counts and will be put to good use in taking our country back!

Contributions can be made from the website at:

If you prefer to contribute by check, please send to:

Dr. Dan 4 Congress
PO Box 18223
Asheville, NC 28814

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Shell Shocked

I've been living and working in a fog since Black Sunday. I haven't even wanted to write a post because I couldn't find a way to describe my feelings.

This morning I stumbled across an article in American Thinker by Robin of Berkeley that puts into words how I feel and pretty much describes why I'm feeling this way:

"That's what it is:  stunned, shell shocked, traumatized."

Many years ago, it now seems like a life-time, I was married to a man who beat me. Whenever things did not go his way; I became his personal punching bag. After a severe beating I would walk around for days feeling stunned, abandoned, alone, confused, and traumatized. I feel that way now.

Robin of Berkeley was mugged. She also draws a comparison to being mugged to the passage of Obamacare:

When I see what Obama is doing to this country, how he is treating its citizens, I'm reminded of the man who mugged me.  I think that both are constitutionally incapable of seeing our humanity.  And each day that Obama is in office, he communicates this same deadly message to the masses -- that opponents are not human.

This would explain the burgeoning of hate and even violence towards those who deign to disagree.   And why Tea Party members and conservatives are being targeted, as well as entire countries like Israel. 

And this would illuminate why Obama is unfazed while the economy crashes.  And why he cavalierly demonizes Israel, putting millions of Israelis at risk.  And it explains why Obama mocks conservatives who are legitimately worried about this administration's violating fundamental rights.  

After years of abuse; I escaped my abuser. I pray heart and soul that we as a nation can escape our abuser in 2012. If he follows the pattern of most abusive individuals, we are in for much worse than we've endured so far.

Monday, March 22, 2010

A Battle is Not a War

Last night Obama's horrible healthcare reform bill passed.

Today we are wounded to the core. We are sore and weary. We are in tears over that which was lost. We are angry and frustrated.

Yes we lost a battle, a big battle. We had fought long and hard, but remember my friends; a battle is not a war.

George Washington lost battle after battle until he crossed the Potomac. Many times it seemed certain that the war for freedom would be lost. He didn't give up, even when his troops deserted and the Continental Congress failed to provide him with supplies. He stayed the course with grim determination. Against all odds, finally, he won our freedom.

We have accomplished much during this last year. We have broken the super majority in the Senate by electing Scott Brown. We caused the healthcare bill deadlines to be moved back again and again. We are a force to reckon with.

Now is the time to regroup, heal our wounds, and march again. There are more battles ahead. We may lose a few, but we will win some too. We, like Washington, will not give up. We will fight onward until we win the biggest prize.

We will win this war and take our country back.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Stupak: the Sanctity of Life is Important to Us, Which is Why We Will Slash Care for Old People and Further Enslave Children to Massive Deficits

This is a good article about the Stupak sell-out on health care. He is up for election. Support his opponent with your voice and checkbook.

Stupak: the Sanctity of Life is Important to Us, Which is Why We Will Slash Care for Old People and Further Enslave Children to Massive Deficits

Today’s the Day


Today is the day we have been dreading. Sometime this afternoon or tonight the House will vote on Obama's health care reform bill. We can keep calling and protesting, and we should. But we should also be on our knees praying.

We should be letting the Creator who stood with George Washington and the brave revolutionary soldiers hear our voices. We should call out to Him for aid in once again saving our country and way of life. He is the only one who can lay His hand on the hearts of our legislators and overcome the corruption and group-think of Pelosi and Associates.

I'll be praying a lot today. Won't you join me?

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Washington Protest Today

My heartfelt prayers and wishes go out to all the patriots who made it to Washington today to let their voices be heard against the government takeover of our health care system.

While I couldn't go, I am with you all in spirit.

~ Granny ~

Friday, March 19, 2010


When the President and his Henchmen in Congress blatantly ignore the Constitution and pass laws the People DO NOT WANT by use of an unconstitutional method of voting on a law by voting on something else. . .

We no longer have a free republic. We have the beginnings of a dictatorship.

Obama is ruling by use of unconstitutional methods. I fear he will issue an executive order postponing the 2010 or 2012 elections. Other baby dictators have used election delaying tactics to entrench themselves before outlawing elections entirely. Do you think he is going to be any different? Or, since he and Congress are in effect putting a law equal to a Constitutional Amendment in as law of the land; could they not use the same procedure to change more of the Constitution?

There are marches and protests scheduled for tomorrow. If you can, attend them. Keep calling, emailing, and showing up at congressional offices. Keep praying.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Midnight Ramblings of a Crazed Conservative

There are times I want to shout out to the "Representatives" in Washington, "What are you doing?" I want to go grasp them by the nap of the neck and give them a good shake. I want to turn them over my lap and spank them (yes, I know a few of the devils would enjoy that, but…).

Never in my life-time have I seen such a travesty as the one playing out this week in the capitol. What acts of desperation will they end up performing in order to get passage of Obama's health care bill? Ha, Obama's bill, heck, he doesn't even know what's in it. At least that's how I understood him on his Fox interview tonight. In reality, nobody knows what's in it.

Sure, we know what's in the Senate bill. That's what is causing all the uproar and dirty politics taking place right now. We know what's in it, and many representatives won't vote for the bill as it stands. But, they don't have a super majority in the Senate anymore, thanks to Scott Brown. So they can't go to conference on the two bills, make a new bill and get it passed. The result is the fiasco currently taking place.

Pelosi has to get something passed by hook or crook. And believe me, there is a whole lot of crooked going on in Washington.

In my opinion, what they are attempting to do in congress is unconstitutional. If they succeed our freedoms are out the window and gone. If they succeed unchallenged the precedent will be set for more and more legislation to be passed against the will of the people.

Nancy Pelosi is struggling with the lock of Pandora's Box. Lets pray she doesn't figure out how to open it.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Article 1 Section 7

Article I: Section 7:

Every Bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it become a Law, be presented to the President of the United States; If he approve he shall sign it, but if not he shall return it, with his Objections to that House in which it shall have originated, who shall enter the Objections at large on their Journal, and proceed to reconsider it. If after such Reconsideration two thirds of that House shall agree to pass the Bill, it shall be sent, together with the Objections, to the other House, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if approved by two thirds of that House, it shall become a Law. But in all such Cases the Votes of both Houses shall be determined by Yeas and Nays, and the Names of the Persons voting for and against the Bill shall be entered on the Journal of each House respectively. If any Bill shall not be returned by the President within ten Days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the Same shall be a Law, in like Manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress by their Adjournment prevent its Return, in which Case it shall not be a Law. (Emphasis mine)

What part of this does Nancy Pelosi not understand?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Crooks and Liars

I am amazed at the depths to which the crooks and liars in Washington will sink to in order to pass the health care legislation We the People do not want.

Now they are devising a way to vote it through without actually voting on it. What? How can you possible vote on something without voting on it? Or, do they really think we are THAT STUPID?

Rest assured, you power hungry, Obama butt kissing democrats, we are NOT that stupid. We will remember what you are doing and will happily vote you out of office in November.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Call The Dogs!

These are the "blue dog" democrats we need to call and convince to vote no on health care. Courtesy of Michelle Malkin and Tea Party Patriots:



Rep. Bobby Bright, Alabama 2nd

DC Office Number: (202) 225-2901, DC Fax Number: (202) 225-8913
Local Office Number: (334) 794-9680, Local Fax Number: (334) 671-1480
Chief of Staff: Jason Buckner email:
Voted Yes on Stupak
Voted No on Health Care
Currently Undecided on Next Health Care Takeover Vote
Listed on Blue Dog Coalition


Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick, Arizona, 1st

DC Office Number: (202) 225-2315, DC Fax Number: (202) 226-9739
Local Office Number: (928) 226-6914, Local Fax Number: (928) 226-2876
Voted Yes on Health Care
Currently Undecided on Next Health Care Takeover Vote

Rep. Harry Mitchell, Arizona 5th

DC Office Number: (202) 225-2190
Local Office Number: (480) 946-2411
Voted Yes on Health Care, Currently Undecided on Next Health Care Takeover Vote
Listed on Blue Dog Coalition Membership

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, Arizona, 8th

DC Office Number: (202) 225-2542, DC Fax Number: (202) 225-0378
Local Office Number: (520) 881-3588, Local Fax Number: (520) 322-9490
Voted Yes on Health Care
Currently Undecided on Next Health Care Takeover Vote
Listed on Blue Dog Coalition Membership


Rep. Marion Berry, Arkansas 1st

DC Office Number: (202) 225-4076, DC Fax Number: (202) 225-5602
Local Office Number: (870) 972-4600, Local Fax Number: (870) 972-4605
Listed on Blue Dog Coalition Membership

Rep. Mike Ross, Arkansas 4th

DC Office Number: (202) 225-3772, DC Fax Number: (202) 225-1314
Local Office Number: (870) 881-0681, Local Fax Number: (870) 881-0683
Voted Yes on Stupak, Voted No on Health Care, Currently Undecided on Next Health Care Takeover Vote
Listed on Blue Dog Coalition Membership


Rep. Dennis Cardoza, California 18th

DC Office Number: (202) 225-6131, DC Fax Number: (202) 225-0819
Local Office Number: (209) 383-4455, Local Fax Number: (209) 726-1065
Voted Yes on Health Care, Currently Undecided on Next Health Care Takeover Vote
Listed on Blue Dog Coalition Membership

Rep. Jim Costa, California 20th

DC Office Number: (202) 225-3341, DC Fax Number: (202) 225-9308
Local Office Number: (559) 495-1620, Local Fax Number: (559) 495-1027
Voted Yes on Health Care, Currently Undecided on Next Health Care Takeover Vote
Listed on Blue Dog Coalition Membership

Rep. Laura Richardson, California, 37th

DC Office Number: (202) 225-7924, DC Fax Number: (202) 225-7926
District Office Number: (202) 225-7924, District Fax Number: (202) 225-7926

Rep. Linda Sanchez, California, 39th

DC Office Number: (202) 225-6676
Local Office Number: (562) 860-5050


Rep. Markey, Colorado 4th

DC Office Number: 202-225-4676, DC Fax Number: 202-225-5870
Local Office Number: 970-221-7110, Local Fax Number: 970-221-7240
Voted Yes on Stupak
Voted No on Health Care
Currently Undecided on Next Health Care Takeover Vote
Listed on Blue Dog Coalition


Rep. Allen Boyd, Florida, 2nd

DC Office Number: (202) 225-5235, DC Fax Number: (202) 225-5615
Local Office Number: (850) 561-3979, Local Fax Number: (850) 681-2902
Voted Yes on Stupak
Voted No on Health Care
Currently Undecided on Next Health Care Takeover Vote
Listed on Blue Dog Coalition Membership

Rep. Ron Klein, Florida, 22nd

DC Office Number: (202) 225.3026, DC Fax Number: (202) 225.8398
Local Office Number: (561) 544-6910, Local Fax Number: (561) 544-2864

Rep. Suzanne Kosmas, Florida, 24th

DC Office Number: (202) 225-2706, DC Fax Number: (202) 226-6299
Local Office Number: (407) 208-1106, Local Fax Number: (407) 208-1108
Voted Yes on Stupak
Voted No on Health Care
Currently Undecided on Next Health Care Takeover Vote


Rep. Jim Marshall, Georgia 8th

DC Office Number: (202) 225-6531, DC Fax Number: (202) 225-3013
Local Office Number: (478) 464-0255, Local Fax Number: (478) 464-0277
Voted Yes on Stupak, Voted No on Health Care, Currently Undecided on Next Health Care Takeover Vote
Listed on Blue Dog Coalition Membership

Rep. John Barrow, Georgia 12th

DC Office Number: (202) 225-2823, DC Fax Number: (202) 225-3377
Local Office Number: (706) 722-4494, Local Fax Number: (706) 722-4496
Voted Yes on Stupak
Voted No on Health Care
Currently Undecided on Next Health Care Takeover Vote
Listed on Blue Dog Coalition Membership


Rep. Walt Minnick, Idaho 1st

DC Office Number: (202) 225-6611, DC Fax Number: (202) 225-3029
Local Office Number: (208) 888-3188, Local Fax Number: (208) 888-0894
Chief of Staff: Kare Haas email:
Voted Yes on Stupak
Voted No on Health Care
Currently No on Next Health Care Takeover Vote
Listed on Blue Dog Coalition


Rep. Daniel Lipinski, Illinois 3rd

DC Office Number: (202) 225-5701, DC Fax Number: (202) 225-1012
Local Office Number: (312) 886-0481, Local Fax Number: (773) 767-9395

Rep. Melissa Bean, Illinois 8th

DC Office Number: (202) 225-3711, DC Fax Number: (202) 225-7830
Local Office Number: (847) 517-2927, Local Fax Number: (847) 517-2931

Rep. Deborah "Debbie" Halvorson, Illinois, 11th

DC Office Number: (202) 225-3635, DC Fax Number: (202) 225-3521
Local Office Number: (815) 726-4998, Local Fax Number: (815) 726-8024


Rep. Peter Visclosky, Indiana, 1st

DC Office Number: (202) 225-2461, DC Fax Number: (202) 225-2493
Local Office Number: (219) 795-1844, DC Fax Number: (219) 795-1850

Rep. Joe Donnelly, Indiana 2nd

DC Office Number: (202) 225-3915, DC Fax Number: (202) 225-6798
Local Office Number: (574) 288-2780, Local Fax Number: (574) 288-2825
Voted Yes on Health Care, Currently Undecided on Next Health Care Takeover Vote
Listed on Blue Dog Coalition Membership

Rep. Brad Ellsworth, Indiana, 8th

DC Office Number: (202) 225-4636, DC Office Fax: (202) 225-3284
Local Office Number: (812) 465-6484, Local Fax Number: (812) 422-4761
Listed on Blue Dog Coalition Membership

Rep. Baron Hill, Indiana 9th

DC Office Number: (202) 225-5315, DC Fax Number: (202) 226-6866
Local Office Number: (812) 288-3999, Local Fax Number: (812) 288-3873
Voted Yes on Health Care, Currently Undecided on Next Health Care Takeover Vote
Listed on Blue Dog Coalition Membership


Rep. Ben Chandler, Kentucky 6th

DC Office Number: (202) 225-4706, DC Fax Number: (202) 225-2122
Local Office Number: (859) 219-1366, Local Fax Number: (859) 219-3437
Chief of Staff: Denis Fleming email:
Voted Yes on Stupak
Voted No on Health Care
Currently Undecided on Next Health Care Takeover Vote
Listed on Blue Dog Coalition


Rep. Charlie Melancon, Lousiana

DC Office Number: (202) 225-4031, DC Fax Number: (202) 226-3944
Local Office Number: (985) 876-3033, Local Fax Number:
Chief of Staff: Joe Bonfiglio email:
Voted Yes on Stupak
Voted No on Health Care
Currently No on Next Health Care Takeover Vote
Listed on Blue Dog Coalition


Rep. Michael Michaud, Maine 2nd

DC Office Number: (202) 225-6306, DC Fax Number: (202) 225-2943
Local Office Number: (207) 942-6935, Local Fax Number: (207) 942-5907
Listed on Blue Dog Coalition Membership


Rep. Frank Kratovil, Maryland 1st

DC Office Number: 202-225-5311, DC Fax Number: 202-225-0254
Local Office Number: (410) 420-8822, Local Fax Number: (443) 262 – 9713
Chief of Staff: Tim McCann email:
Voted Yes on Stupak
Voted No on Health Care
Currently Undecided on Next Health Care Takeover Vote
Listed on Blue Dog Coalition

Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger, Maryland, 2nd

DC Office Number: 202-225-3061, DC Fax Number: 202-225-3094
Local Office Number: 410-628-2701, Local Fax Number: 410-628-2708


Rep. Ed Markey, Massachusetts, 7th

DC Office Number: 202-225-2836
Local Office Number: 781-396-2900

Rep. Stephen Lynch, Massachusetts, 9th

DC Office Number: 202-225-8273, DC Fax Number: 202-225-3984
Local Office Number: 617-428-2000, Local Office Fax: 617-428-2011


Rep. Bart Stupak, Michigan 1st

DC Office Number: (202) 225-4735, DC Fax Number: (202) 225-4744
Local Office Number: (906) 786-4504, Local Fax Number: (906) 786-4534
Voted Yes on Stupak, Voted Yes on Health Care, Currently Undecided on Next Health Care Takeover Vote

Rep. Mark Schauer Michigan 7th

DC Office Number: (202) 225-6276, DC Fax Number: (202) 225-6281
Local Office Number: (517) 780-9075, Local Fax Number: (517) 780-9081
Voted Yes on Health Care
Currently Undecided

Rep. Gary Peters, Michigan, 9th

DC Office Number: (202) 225-5802, DC Fax Number: (202) 226-2356
Local Office Number: (248) 273-4227, Local Fax Number: (248) 273-4704


Rep. Collin C. Peterson, Minnesota 7th

DC Office Number: (202) 225-2165, DC Fax Number: (202) 225-1593
Local Office Number: (218) 847-5056
Voted Yes on Stupak, Voted No on Health Care, Currently Undecided on Next Health Care Takeover Vote
Listed on Blue Dog Coalition Membership


Rep. Travis Childers, Mississippi 1st

DC Office Number: (202) 225-4306, DC Fax Number: (202) 225-3549
Local Office Number: (662) 841-8808, Local Fax Number: (662) 841-8845
Voted Yes on Stupak
Voted No on Health Care
Currently Undecided on Next Health Care Takeover Vote
Listed on Blue Dog Coalition Membership

Rep. Gene Taylor, Mississippi 4th

DC Office Number: (202) 225-5772, DC Fax Number: (202) 225-7074
Local Office Number: (228) 864-7670, Local Fax Number: (228) 864-3099
Voted Yes on Stupak, Voted No on Health Care, Currently Undecided on Next Health Care Takeover Vote
Listed on Blue Dog Coalition Membership


Rep. Ike Skelton, Missouri 4th

DC Office Number: (202) 225-2876
Local Office Number: (816) 228-4242
Voted Yes on Stupak, Voted No on Health Care, Currently Undecided on Next Health Care Takeover Vote


Rep. John Adler, New Jersey 3rd

DC Office Number: (202) 225-4765, DC Fax Number: (202) 225-0778
Local Office Number: (732) 608-7235, Local Fax Number: (732) 608-7268
Voted Yes on Stupak
Voted Yes on Health Care
Currently Undecided on Next Health Care Takeover Vote high priority


Rep. Martin Heinrich, New Mexico 1st

DC Office Number: (202) 225-6316, DC Fax Number: (202) 225-4975
Local Office Number: (505) 346-6781, Local Fax Number: (505) 346-6723
Voted Yes on Health Care
Currently Undecided

Rep. Harry Teague, New Mexico 2nd

DC Office Number: (202) 225-2365, DC Fax Number:
Local Office Number: (575) 393-0510, Local Fax Number:
Voted Yes on Stupak
Voted No on Health Care
Currently Undecided on Next Health Care Takeover Vote


Rep. Tim Bishop, New York 1st

DC Office Number: (202) 225-3826, DC Fax Number: (202) 225-3143
Local Office Number: (631) 696-6500, Local Fax Number: (631) 696-4520
Voted Yes on Health Care
Currently Undecided

Rep. Michael E. McMahon, New York 13th

DC Office Number: (202) 225-3371, DC Fax Number: (202) 226-1272
Local Office Number: (718) 351-1062, Local Fax Number: (718) 980-0768
Voted Yes on Stupak, Voted No on Health Care, Currently Undecided on Next Health Care Takeover Vote

Rep. Scott Murphy, New York 20th

DC Office Number: (202) 225-5614, DC Fax Number: (202) 225-1168
Local Office Number: (518) 828-3109, Local Fax Number: (518) 828-3985
Voted Yes on Stupak
Voted No on Health Care
Currently Undecided on Next Health Care Takeover Vote
Listed on Blue Dog Coalition

Rep. Bill Owens, New York 23rd

DC Office Number: (202) 225-4611, DC Fax Number: (202) 226-0621
Local Office Number: (315) 782-3150, Local Fax Number: (315) 782-1291
Voted Yes on Health Care
Currently Undecided on Next Health Care Takeover Vote

Rep. Michael Arcuri, New York 24th

DC Office Number: (202) 225-3665, DC Fax Number: (202) 225-1891
Local Office Number: (315) 252-2777/2778, Local Fax Number: (315) 252-2779
Voted Yes on Health Care
Currently No Vote on Health Care
Listed on Blue Dog Coalition Membership

Rep. Daniel B. Maffei, New York, 25th

DC Fax Number: (202) 225-3701, DC Fax Number: (202) 225-4042
Local Office Number: (315) 423-5657, Local Fax Number: (315) 423-5669


Rep. Dina Titus, Nevada 3rd

DC Office Number: (202) 225-3252, DC Fax Number: (202) 225-2185
Local Office Number: (702) 387-4941, Local Fax Number: (702) 837-0728
Voted Yes on Health Care
Currently Undecided


Rep. Paul W. Hodes, New Hampshire, 2nd

DC Office Number: (202) 225-5206, DC Fax Number: (202) 225-2946
Local Office Phone: (603) 223-9814, Local Fax Number: (603) 223-9819


Rep. Bob Etheridge, North Carolina, 2nd

DC Office Number: (202) 225-4531
Local Office Number: (919) 829-9122

Rep. Mike McIntyre, North Carolina 7th

DC Office Number: (202) 225-2731, DC Fax Number: (202) 225-5773
Local Office Number: (910) 323-0260, Local Fax Number: (910) 323-0069
Chief of Staff: Dean Mitchell email:
Voted Yes on Stupak
Voted No on Health Care
Currently Undecided on Next Health Care Takeover Vote
Listed on Blue Dog Coalition

Rep. Larry Kissell, North Carolina 8th

DC Office Number: (202) 225-3715, DC Fax Number: (202) 225-4036
Local Office Number: (704) 786-1612, Local Fax Number: (704) 782-1004
Voted Yes on Stupak
Voted No on Health Care
Currently No on Next Health Care Takeover Vote

Rep. Heath Shuler, North Carolina 11th

DC Office Number: (202) 225-6401, DC Fax Number: (202) 226-6422
Local Office Number: (828) 252-1651, Local Fax Number: (828) 252-8734
Chief of Staff: Hayden Rogers email:
Voted Yes on Stupak
Voted No on Health Care
Currently Undecided on Next Health Care Takeover Vote
Listed on Blue Dog Coalition


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