I just went through a period of TBTP (too busy to post). I've been busy doing some campaigning for Dr. Dan Eichenbaum. He is running for the North Carolina 11th District Congressional seat in this year's Republican Primary. The field is packed with RINO'S candidates, but in unofficial polling, Dr. Dan seems to have the lead. The primary is on May 4th and I will report here on the results. In the meantime, wherever you are, if you have a few dollars to spare, you can contribute here.
I was depressed too… all the cheering and celebration by the liberal/progressives over the Health Care Bill passage made me sick to my stomach. I even had an argument with my nephew because he thought the passage of the bill meant he now had free health care. Yes, like RIGHT NOW, immediately after the signing into law part. Sigh… I tried to help him understand, but he is suffering from terminal liberalism.
I even tried to ignore the news. Hard to do when you are addicted to the Fox News Channel and live with a likewise addicted spouse. But I tried. I only threatened to throw something at the television when the Liar in Chief was making another of his multiple daily appearances. (When does this man get in any work? Oh, that's right, he doesn't.)
Many things are happening that make me believe they (the Obama regime) are trying to overload us with so much that we simply all give up step back from the massiveness of it all. After working through it in my own little pea brain (see, I admit it, liberals), I think we can make it through this bull shit crisis overload and prevail. I learned as a child growing up on a farm that when bull shit manure blocks your path you can step over it, go around it, or kick it out of the way (the latter is somewhat risky if it's fresh). Whatever we choose, we can outwit and outvote the liberal's. Keep the faith on that. It can be done and we will be successful.
So, Granny's back online and ready to keep fighting to save our country from those who would do Her in for their idealistic socialistic dreams. Let's roll Patriots! November is coming!
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