Sunday, May 16, 2010

Final NC District 11 Primary Results

The votes are all counted and in the end, Dr. Dan lost to Jeff Miller. We just didn't get enough people to the polls.

Miller seems to be a good man. I can't fault him on his decency. I'm just not sure about his ability to stand up to the Washington machine.

It boils down to this: here in the NC 11th District we can choose between Shuler and Miller. Pelosi's lap dog or a nice guy who won the primary because he was well known locally and was chosen by the good-ole-boy network.

Yeah, right.

1 comment:

  1. Many people do not understand how the primary process has been the "grand illusion". For years whoever the party's (Dem or Rep) selected as "their" candidate would receive all the resources (political power structure, funding, etc...) of the parties. This, combined with the traditional apathy of voters in the primaries, made it very simple for the party's selection to win the primary. The unknowing public then goes to the General election to vote for the "people's choice". Once again we don't get to dip our fingers in ink like in Iraq. Instead the 2 party's happily stamp our foreheads with a virtual "SUCKER" imprint.

    I have no way of knowing what is in Jeff Miller's heart. After hearing him speak a few times he seems to be a decent and sincere person. We don't need a decent and sincere person now. We need a "take us back to our roots" patriot. Many of the liberals are with the best of intention decent and sincere. The current situation of our political parties is not decent and sincere and the people who reside in that liberal world cannot confront this broken political system.

    I would like to know where Jeff Miller stands on the core values that the Tea party and 912 project stress. If those core values and commitment are not there then from my perspective he could just as easily run as a Democrat. With no core values party affiliation is just a matter of convenience.

    I am very disheartened that Dan did not win this primary election and that our voices and efforts did not carry the day. In every debate he won hands down. The harsh reality is we did not carry the day.

    I'm asking Jeff Miller to talk with us, Dan supporters and proponents of changing the direction our country is and has taken under Democrats and Republicans. Show us you share our vision for America regaining it's greatness, stopping our slide into socialism and obscurity.

    There is much work to be done. Our founding fathers shaped our country under the threat of death surely we can find a few men and women still left who will buck the party's. That can not only be “decent and sincere” but courageous and patriotic as well.

    Hugh Orr



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