Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Which Label Do You Prefer?

Senator Shelton Whitehouse, D-RI, stated on the floor of the Senate on Monday that opponents of ObamaCare are 'birthers, right-wing militias, and aryan groups.'

Perhaps the Senator has been consulting with DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano, who referred to war vets returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, gun owners, religious people, and Patriotic citizens who believe in the Constitution as 'potential home-grown terrorists.'

So writes Anthony G Martin of the Atlanta Examiner. You can find his full article here. You can find a video of the Whitehouse speech here.

I and many more average American citizens oppose the ObamaCare bill. We are disgusted and appalled by the backroom deals and downright bribery that has taken place to push it through the Senate. Tomorrow morning they will vote it through and Nancy Pelosi will gleefully rubber-stamp it in Congress and speed it over to the White House for Obama's signature.

In early 2010 we will reap the rewards with higher taxes, higher Medicare premiums, less medicare coverage, and a government takeover of our economy and our lives that is unprecedented.

If we don't like it, well, they will call us more names.

Names like insurgents, terrorists, rebels (being from the South I sorta like that one), malcontents, and trouble-makers.

They will put us down and say we are just too ignorant to understand what a good thing they have done for us.

What they don't understand is that we are not ignorant. We are not stupid. We know corruption and graft when we see it and Lord, do we see plenty of it in Washington right now!

Its time to get out the tar pots and several tons of feathers.

They are calling us names. Nasty, derogatory names.

I prefer to be called a Patriot.

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