Barack Obama has been teenager-in-chief president for 11 months.
He has enjoyed the job with its beautiful mansion, private jet, countless staff, and all the privileges that come with the title. Recently, when asked to look back at his first year in office and grade his performance, he gave himself a B+. Don't we all wish we could write our own performance reviews? I do. In his eyes and the eyes of his most loyal supporters, he probably does rate a B+. Not in mine.
Obama doesn't understand that "We the People" do not want or approve of buy-outs, more government intrusion into our lives, a takeover of health care, nor a closing of Guantanamo. He just doesn't "get" that we want to be safe in our own land; able to go about our daily business and travel without fear.
He doesn't understand that part of his job is to be sure that we are safe to lead our lives.
He doesn't understand that the time has long past when every disaster or short-fall can be blamed on George Bush. It's been a year.
Mr. Obama, it is time for you to be responsible and accept your accountability for what happens in this country. Stop it with the blame game and be a man.
Christmas Day, but for Devine Intervention, 300 people would have died due to a terrorist attack on a plane over Detroit. What part of the term "terrorist attack" do you not understand? You can no longer minimize terror attacks the way you have in the past.
You did it with Abdul Hakim Mujahid Muhammad, the Muslim convert who murdered a US Army recruit in Little Rock, Arkansas last June. You did it again with Major Nidal Malik Hassan, a Muslim who slaughtered 13 at Fort Hood, Texas in November. You tried to do it with Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab over the weekend.
Al-Qaeda and radical Islamists have declared war on us, Mr. President.
It's time to stop throwing lavish parties, playing golf and basketball, snorkeling, jet-setting all over the world just because you can, and otherwise acting like a spoiled, rich child.
It is past time to accept the responsibility as president and lead the nation. You wanted the job. Do the job.
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