We are racing towards the finish line with Obamacare. The Great One wants it passed by Easter break. Under no circumstances does he want senators and congressmen to go home to their districts and face the "angry mobs" with the bill un-passed.
If that should happen, one or maybe more might listen to us and decide political suicide is not an option they want to face.
I'm still emailing my senator and congressman. I'm still getting a form letter (Hagan) or no reply at all (Shuler) for my efforts. However, I'm sure some intern is reading our emails and counting the yeas and nays. I haven't tried calling their offices recently... I stopped after it became apparent that all calls were being directed to a full voice mailbox... a not so cute method of ignoring us, but it works.
I have been reading history books (not the biased ones they are using in our schools) and the Constitution during each and every free moment I can find. The more I learn about what the Founder's envisioned for our country and see how far off-track it has been driven; the angrier I become. We are so far left of what the Founder's meant for the United States to be that they would not recognise it.
We have almost lost our republic. I think more and more people are beginning to understand this on some level. I just hope we aren't too late.
Once again, I beg you, call, fax, email, or write a letter to your representatives. Tell them how you feel about this government takeover of our healthcare system. Keep up the pressure.
Let them know that they will be held accountable if they follow Obama's lead and pass the healthcare bill. Let them know that from this point forward they are being watched and watched closely. Let them know that the days of unchecked abuse of power are over.
We are and will continue watching them. We will exercise our right to vote and they will be the next Americans standing in line at the unemployment office
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