The AP is reporting this morning that the final debate and vote on Nancy Pelosi's health care bill is expected Saturday. They also expect the AARP to sell out its members indorse the bill sometime today. The Senate, according to Prince Harry, their bill will not be up for a vote until early 2010.
The bill; any bill they come up with, is going to cost you and I more money than it's worth, and is just another power grab by the would-be nanny state government to control every aspect of our lives. Let's face it, everything we do or don't do in some way affects our health. Where we live, our habits (good and bad), what we eat, what we drive, where we work, who we marry, and how many children we have. . . As a parent of 4 children I can tell you the stress I brought on myself by that decision, but I digress.
To me, the AARP endorsement means nothing. They are a money hungry machine and care very little for the senior citizens they claim to serve. I can't help but wonder what special favors or incentives' they received for their endorsement.
Universal coverage, what both Houses have claimed was behind this fiasco the entire time, is non-existent in both bills. The Democrat bill would only cover 96 percent of eligible Americans and the Republican bill only 83 percent.
I've been preaching against government run health care since the debate started and I am not letting up. I've been emailing my Congressman and Senator and suggest you do too. Today I plan to start faxing them. I suggest you do too.
Let their staffers arrive at their offices and find fax paper all over the floor. Let the reams of paper from our faxes (we are paying for it) bring them to their senses. Let the paper avalanche show them that the American people do not want this monstrosity of a bill to pass in any version.
After you have faxed them into oblivion, start calling and jam their phone lines. Then, repeat the process. Its good mental and civic exercise!
We want to make our own decisions, and have the government mind its own business. They should be worrying and doing something about what we do want, for example; jobs, a decision on the war in Afghanistan, making the United States independent of foreign oil by drilling here, and many more issues.
We are a resilient people; give us the opportunity and we will take care of the rest. Those guys and gals in Washington just don't get it!
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