Monday, November 30, 2009

Global Warming - Not

Most of you who watch the mainstream media for your news don't know about the global warming scandal. I've been watching it unfold with a personal sense of satisfaction. I never believed in man-made global warming to begin with. An article I was reading on made me decide to fill you guys in on some of what's going on.

An article in reports:

Last week, someone (probably a whistle-blower at the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia, England) released e-mails and other documents written by Phil Jones, Michael Mann and other leading scientists who edit and control the content of the reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

The e-mails appear to show a conspiracy to falsify data and suppress academic debate in order to exaggerate the possible threat of man-made global warming. (Emphasis mine)

The misconduct exposed by the e-mails is so apparent that one scientist, Tim Ball, said it marked "the death blow to climate science." Another, Patrick Michaels, told the New York Times: "This is not a smoking gun; this is a mushroom cloud."

The advocates of global warming, Al Gore at the forefront, have been selling us a bill of goods. The group of individuals and corporations who stand to reap rich rewards from "green" products and services are working overtime to keep this information from reaching you.


Saturday, November 28, 2009

Brain Overload Syndrome

I have been ill. After the Senate Obama-Care bill passed I contracted a deadly virus called Brain Overload Syndrome (BOS).

I was exposed to this virus by reading too many news reports, watching too much television news, joining too many conservative groups on the internet and reading too many conservative blogs.

The symptoms include:

  • A feeling of despair and hopelessness
  • Inability to concentrate on National events
  • Inability to pick a topic for a blog post
  • Inability to write a blog post
  • Wanting to go hide in a corner and wait for the Nation's destruction
  • Hair-pulling frustration with our leaders

Desperately I searched for a cure. I couldn't just sit down and shut up. Well, I could, but I thought my followers, however few, might miss me. I knew that in these desperate times each and every voice is important and should be heard. Besides, I've never been one to sit down and shut up, just ask my husband.

I abandoned the news this past week. Oh, the television was on, my husband and I both are both avid FNC fans. I just stayed busy with other things. I downloaded some eBooks to my laptop and phone; novels instead of US History and current political titles, and put my mind somewhere else.

Ever so slowly I felt the symptoms of BOS begin to lessen.

One of the hallmarks of this administration is to have so many crises or potential crises taking place simultaneously that no one can keep up with everything. Each seems direr than the last, especially if you are a taxpayer, and pretty soon the exhaustion of BOS takes over. That is their plan: to overload us into complacency, then completely take over each and every part of our lives.

I still have some novels to finish. In the meantime I am gently resuming my political reading and listening to the news. My recovery is well underway. I just wonder if I have developed any form of immunity to BOS. The administration has doubled its efforts during my illness. They want the disease to reach epidemic proportions throughout the population.

We can't let that happen.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

It has been a busy week for me and all my fellow patriots who read this blog. Most of you, like me, have been preparing for the Thanksgiving holiday. Many are traveling. I wish you a safe trip.

We are truly blessed to live in our wonderful country. We will be twice blessed when we turn Her direction around and take back the control that is ours by right from those who have let power and corruption become their Gods.

Today, however, take a small break. Enjoy your families. We can resume our work tomorrow.

God bless you all.


Friday, November 20, 2009

Late Night Legislation - Again

According to a report in The Hill, Harry Reid is planning a Saturday night vote on his massive health care bill. Following Nancy Pelosi's lead in sneaking things through just before midnight, I suppose he thinks we won't notice.

I continue to be amazed at what our runaway legislators are willing to do. The majority of Americans do not want health care reform that totally remakes the system at astronomical costs to the taxpayers. The latest Rasmussen poll shows that only forty-seven percent (47%) of voters approve the health care overhaul. That number is the highest ever, but still shows that less than half of American voters approve.

According to The Hill article, Reid says he has at least abandoned his plans for pushing the bill through using budget reconciliation rules. This would allow passage with only 51 votes instead of the normally required 60 votes. I, for one, don't believe him. I watched the power plays, backroom dealings and shenanigans used by Nancy Pelosi to get her version of the bill passed two weeks ago. Although there is usually more decorum in the Senate, I expect more of the same. The pork plate will be handed around and Reid will get his way.

The estimated cost of this bill is hard for me to fathom. According to The Hill article:

The healthcare reform bill Reid introduced Wednesday would spend $848 billion over 10 years to extend insurance coverage to 31 million more people, which would amount to a 94 percent coverage rate for all legal U.S. residents below retirement age. Including those over 65 and enrolled in Medicare, 98 percent of legal U.S. residents would have insurance coverage, Reid said.

Through a combination of more than $400 billion in Medicare spending cuts and more than $370 billion in new taxes, the bill also would reduce the federal budget deficit by $127 billion over 10 years, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

This is a lie. The taxes required to pay for this monstrosity begin immediately; the benefits begin in 2014. We will pay taxes for 5 years on something we do not have access to. How fair is that? What about all the lives that will be lost during those five years due to lack of health insurance? If the House and Senate are so concerned about lives lost due to lack of health insurance, why not make it available now? If there is such a rush to pass this legislation, why must we wait five years to get the coverage? Can, or will, anyone please give me the answer?

Reid and Company are doing creative accounting by putting off the benefits until they have collected five years worth of taxes, thus making the cost appear lower than they will actually be. Slight-of-hand that would make P.T. Barnum proud! That's all it is. If I can figure it out (and I'm self-educated) surely everyone else can! How stupid do our elected officials think we are?

Don't believe they are going to raise your taxes? Check out the tax hikes that go with the bill here. Scroll down past the cartoon (it is cute, but hey, this is serious). And read the list. Everything will in some way hit your wallet, so don't say, "well I don't have that" or "that doesn't apply to me". It all applies to you, me, and everyone else.

Melt your Senator's phone lines.


Right now I think prayer and otherworldly intervention is the only hope we have.

The government will soon rule every aspect of our lives. The tipping point of power is here. It may already be behind us. Are we still a nation governed of, by and for the people? Or are we subjects to King Obama, Prince Harry and Princess Pelosi?

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Slow Posting Week or Up to My Neck in Alligators

I am feeling a bit ashamed at my lack of posts this week. Regular life has been working hard at getting in the way. Rest assured I am staying current on the events taking place and will soon provide you with some more Granny Comments on same.

In the meantime, if you have something that's bugging the heck out of you and you want to know what I think leave a note in the comments box for this post and I'll tackle the issue right away.

- Granny

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Monday, November 16, 2009

Madder than Scratch: Blood Pressure Up Again

I've stayed off the computer and away from the news channels most of the weekend. It was nice. I almost had myself calmed down.

Then I made the mistake of "checking email" before bed; which of course really means checking Twitter for links to articles, reading blogs, checking news sites and other blood pressure raising activities.

I'm upset about the bow Obama made to the Japanese Emperor. I work for a Japanese company and know the protocol for 'meet and greet'. This was way out of bounds even for a commoner like me, much less the President of the United States.

Since being in office, this president has gone out of his way to apologize and show the world that we are subservient to everyone. If he personally wants to brown nose world leaders that's his choice. It is not fine with me that he does it as our leader and thus, implies we are the lowest of the low right along with him. Did he ever read any history books, watch any WWI or WWII documentaries, or learn anything about our nation and the good it has done in the world?

Since this man has been in office, it has become apparent to me that his main goal in life is to completely destroy the United States. George Washington, the other Founding Fathers, and every citizen since the Mayflower must be rolling over in their graves.

He has managed with the help of the dynamic duo, Pelosi and Reid, to take over private industry and banking, pass the bankrupting stimulus bill, is attempting to take over our health care, and plans on pushing through the Cap and Tax bill. The two later will mean a take-over of every part of our individual lives.

There is no doubt about it; the man is out to totally turn the country we love and life as we know it upside down.

When he and his cronies are finished, our dollar will be worthless, we will be totally under government control and the great experiment of a free people in a self-governing nation will have failed. Failed! Do you understand? The United States will be a failure. The greatest country that has ever existed, that shining city on a hill, will be no more.

The freedom's we take for granted will no longer exist. As the song said, "You don't know what you've got till it's gone…"

Friday, November 13, 2009

Obama’s Job Summit

Ok, so I am sitting here, in my pajamas, late at night working on a blog post. Does that make me unusual? I doubt it. I'm not in the basement though. No sir, Granny writes from the top floor. . . she can see further that way. What does make me unusual is that I have a job, a manufacturing job at that. Wow!

I see Obama has finally made a decision. Well, kinda, sorta. With unemployment now at 10.2 percent, he is going to (insert drum roll) have a White House Summit to address the problem.(Do you suppose they'll serve beer?) I guess the dollars he originally threw at the problem didn't work. Remember the we have to pass it now stimulus bill in February? It hasn't created any jobs that I've seen and I am not sure about the "saved" jobs either. Most economists I've seen on TV are saying that the number of "saved" jobs is vastly over-stated. I think they don't exist.

An article by Julie Pace on quotes Obama on the December summit, "We are open to any demonstrably good idea to supplement the steps we've already taken to put America back to work,"

I'll bet they are, since none of the steps they've taken seem to be working.

After making his announcement on the jobs summit, Obama took off for Asia on another Presidential trip. He sure loves to fly on his personal jet. The Associated Press article here gives his planned stops and meetings in more detail than I feel like delving into this late at night. In my opinion, he will be on a combination apology/begging tour this time around. Apologizing for all the things wrong about us (in his enlightened eyes) and begging the Chinese to keep loaning us money.

At the rate Obama's administration is borrowing money from China, we will be teaching all children Chinese as a second language within a decade.

With the job summit in the works and the trip underway, Obama has the world by the tail. Of course there are those other pesky issues: terrorism at Fort Hood, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the Obama Care and Cap and Trade disasters working their way through the Senate, disgruntled citizens, etc. But, wait! He has Pelosi, Reid and the Czars handling those issues. Have a nice trip, Prez.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Finding Inspiration

We have been protesting, writing letters to our representatives, calling and emailing. They continue to ignore us and pass legislation we do not want. We have formed groups. We have gone to town hall meetings to no avail. It is easy to get disheartened. I know it was happening to me. I am a woman who people say has "bull-dog tendencies". When I get hold of something I believe in, I won't let go. I take that as a compliment. I was getting disillusioned at the prospect of the people who work for us ever listening to us. I was ready to give up, I wanted to just let go.

Yesterday was Veteran's Day. The ceremony in which the President lays a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers was in progress. Our television was on and I walked into the living room to watch. What I saw made me stop at the door.

My husband sat in his wheelchair, directly in front of the TV. He sat as straight as his body allows, silently saluting as the wreath was laid and Taps played. As the sound of the bugle ended, he finished the salute with the crisp sharpness of a Veteran. You know how to salute after spending 40 years in the Air Force.

It was then I continued into the room and wrapped my arms around this man who gave so many years to his country. A man who's only regret is that he no longer young enough or healthy enough to be on the front lines today.

Today I'm back at my calling, letter writing, and anything else I can to get our leaders to listen. I owe it to my husband and the other Veterans who gave so much. It's my way of fighting for them. Fighting that all they fought to preserve continues to be preserved for generations to come.

It's the least I can do for them.


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

God Bless Our Veterans

They range in age from elderly to early twenties. They walk among us every day, some scarred from battle physically and others emotionally. They have seen and experienced things we can never imagine. Thanks to their commitment to our protection we are free.

My Uncle, Father-in-law, and Uncle-in-law were WWII and Korean War Veterans. They seldom talked about what they endured in battle. Many of my friends marched off to Vietnam and returned completely changed. Some returned in body bags, others their bodies whole, were torn apart emotionally.

Since then the Gulf War, Iraq War and Afghanistan War have sent more and more brave young men and women marching off to fight for our freedom. These brave Soldiers put their lives on hold and volunteer to protect the rest of us. My grandson has been in the current war zones for two tours and may go back.

My husband is a Vietnam Veteran. Last year at this time he was in hospital. He had nearly died the week before and came home on Veteran's Day. Just before he was released, an off-duty nurse who had cared for him earlier that week returned to the hospital. He made the rounds of the floor, giving all the Veterans a small American Flag and thanking them for their service.

It was a small gesture. It meant so much. There is no way to express our thanks to that nurse. The little flag still "flies" proudly in my husband's sick room. It is located where he can see it each day upon awakening.

Today I stop and thank my husband, grandson, and all the other veterans for their service to our country and to each of us. May all those who have served, are serving, and will serve in the future be blessed.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

If It Talks Like a Terrorist and Walks Like A Terrorist…

Then, by golly, it must be a terrorist!

Now it didn't take this old country girl long to figure out last Thursday night that Major Nidal Malik Hasan is a terrorist. He is a Muslim with an attitude. That much was reported early on. He sure created plenty of terror among our brave soldiers when he attacked them at Fort Hood. Our soldiers were queued up, waiting for processing, like ducks in a shooting gallery. Hasan knew they would be all neatly lined up. He knew they would be unarmed. He knew they would be completely unprepared for an attack. The scene had to be complete bedlam as our young soldiers and civilian personnel tried to escape or find cover to avoid the volley of bullets he poured upon them. They felt a terror that we can only imagine.

Hasan injured up to 42 people. He killed 13.

A day late and a dollar short we find out that he had attended the same mosque as 2, maybe 3, of the 9.11 terrorists. He was guided by the same cleric who counseled the hijackers. He has remained in contact with this cleric, Anwar al-Awlaki. The UK Telegraph reports:

Hasan attended the mosque at the same time as the hijackers in 2001 when it was led by Anwar al-Awlaki, a radical American-born Yemeni imam. Awlaki left the US the following year, eventually going to Yemen, from where he targets Muslims in America with radical online lectures.

It emerged on Monday that Hasan had been in contact with Awlak within the last year….

In a posting on his website on Monday, headed "Nidal Hasan Did The Right Thing", Awlak said Hasan had carried out a "heroic and virtuous" act and the only way a Muslim could justify serving in the US Army was to "follow in the footsteps of Nidal Hasan".

He said: "Nidal Hasan is a hero. He is a man of conscience who could not bear the contradiction of being a Muslim and serving in an army that is fighting against his own people."

Hasan may have acted alone. Investigations are ongoing to discover links with Muslim extremist groups. It is already known that he attempted contact with al-Qaeda. In the weeks and months ahead I'm sure more information will come out about his terrorist leanings and activities.

But I already know: Nidal Malik Hasan is a terrorist. He is a traitor. He is a murderer. He should be treated as such.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Could It Happen Here? Sure!

According to a report on the web site, a Cuban blogger was seized and beaten by government types last Friday while on her way to a peaceable march against violence.

Trail-blazing Cuban blogger Yoani Sánchez says she was headed to a peaceable march against violence with friends in Havana Friday when she and fellow writer Orlando Luis Pardo were confronted by three men in plainclothes presumed to be state security, forced into a car, and assaulted.

"No blood," she reported to El Nuevo Herald. "But black and blues, punches, pulled hairs, blows to the head, kidneys, knee and chest...[after being] thrown head-first inside, they applied judo or karate holds to us and the punches . . . kept raining down."

Sánchez says she and Pardo were driven around for about 20 minutes before being "violently thrown on the street" near where they were first accosted. Their friends reported being taken to a police station in a second car, where they were questioned and released.

Apparently she had blogged safely until she began signing her name to her posts.

Since she began signing her name to blog posts she composes in Cuba and e-mails to friends in other countries for publication, Sánchez has received critical acclaim and several awards for her social commentary and missives about every day life on the island from the government to food to baseball. Though awarded Spain's Ortega y Gasset Journalism Award and Columbia University's Maria Moors Cabot Prize, she has been denied permission to leave Cuba to accept. In 2008, Sánchez, a philologist by training, was named one of TIME Magazine's 100 Most Influential People.

Could this happen in the United States? Sure it can, and I predict it will.

The bloggers in the United States are hitting fast and furious at the corruption, backroom deals, and total disregard of our government for the people. Bloggers are reporting what the main stream media won't. Sooner or later, an effort will be made to shut us down. It may come as regulated content on the internet, IRS harassment, or violence. The test then will be whether or not we are brave enough to continue our work in the face of adversity. I think we will.

Midnight Reflections

My husband and I watched the debate and passage of the House Health Care Bill on C-SPAN Saturday. It was an all day affair. Partly through the afternoon we took a break and went outside for awhile. When we returned they were still debating. It was after 11 p.m. when the vote was finally taken and the bill passed. I had been in front of the television for hours with my laptop making comments on Twitter.

I didn't post last night. I was too upset and burned out.

I know that this bill will have to be reconciled with the Senate bill (if passed) and that it isn't the final version by any means. I am thankful for that. I hope good sense will prevail and provisions in the bill which take away so many of our freedoms will be removed in whatever version may become law.

Yesterday was the best lesson in how our government really works that anyone living in this country could ever have. Backroom deals between the Speaker and members of congress are what allowed it to pass. Bought endorsements from the AARP and AMA, made it sound legit. Promises, of God knows what, were made and accepted and thus we had a bill that the majority of Americans don't want stuffed down our throats.

As a regular working class American, I felt cheated and robbed. I felt abused and used. As I watched hour after hour of whining and crying by those who wanted to get their way at all costs I became more and more angry.

They have forgotten that they serve us. They are living in a fantasy land. The entire lot of them are nuts! Power hungry, power grabbing, nut cases. I kept wondering what lies and smooth talk got them elected. Do they send them to a school to learn arrogance? Do they really care so little about the welfare of the people? Do they think we are all 2 years old and need Mommy and Daddy Government to do everything for us and regulate everything in our lives?

Am I to soon be in jail because I can't afford their damn government health insurance? I don't think so….. I'll not go peacefully……

So, damn the liberals who are so arrogant as to think they know what's better for me than I do. I'd have not made it through all the crap I've lived though if I were the helpless dummy they believe I am. No one else in the country could have either. Everyone has their share of hard times, awful times, broke and despondent times. We make it through because we are Americans and because of our Faith, and Family. Usually we make it in spite of the Government.

They can't stand that thought. Well, damn them all.

Friday, November 6, 2009


My family and I send our condolences to those who lost loved ones at Fort Hood. We pray God will grant them strength as they face this journey of horrific pain and sorrow. Likewise our prayers go out for those wounded in this massacre. May the Lord heal your bodies and spirits.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Yet Another Health Care Rant

The AP is reporting this morning that the final debate and vote on Nancy Pelosi's health care bill is expected Saturday. They also expect the AARP to sell out its members indorse the bill sometime today. The Senate, according to Prince Harry, their bill will not be up for a vote until early 2010.

The bill; any bill they come up with, is going to cost you and I more money than it's worth, and is just another power grab by the would-be nanny state government to control every aspect of our lives. Let's face it, everything we do or don't do in some way affects our health. Where we live, our habits (good and bad), what we eat, what we drive, where we work, who we marry, and how many children we have. . . As a parent of 4 children I can tell you the stress I brought on myself by that decision, but I digress.

To me, the AARP endorsement means nothing. They are a money hungry machine and care very little for the senior citizens they claim to serve. I can't help but wonder what special favors or incentives' they received for their endorsement.

Universal coverage, what both Houses have claimed was behind this fiasco the entire time, is non-existent in both bills. The Democrat bill would only cover 96 percent of eligible Americans and the Republican bill only 83 percent.

I've been preaching against government run health care since the debate started and I am not letting up. I've been emailing my Congressman and Senator and suggest you do too. Today I plan to start faxing them. I suggest you do too.

Let their staffers arrive at their offices and find fax paper all over the floor. Let the reams of paper from our faxes (we are paying for it) bring them to their senses. Let the paper avalanche show them that the American people do not want this monstrosity of a bill to pass in any version.

After you have faxed them into oblivion, start calling and jam their phone lines. Then, repeat the process. Its good mental and civic exercise!

We want to make our own decisions, and have the government mind its own business. They should be worrying and doing something about what we do want, for example; jobs, a decision on the war in Afghanistan, making the United States independent of foreign oil by drilling here, and many more issues.

We are a resilient people; give us the opportunity and we will take care of the rest. Those guys and gals in Washington just don't get it!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Recommended Reading: Saul Alinsky, the American Organizer

I have about a million things to do this morning and other than the video in my last post, was going to let the sleeping blog lie. Then, thanks to a brief post on Michelle Malkin's blog, I decided I had to dash off this post.

I have a copy of Rules for Radicals, by Saul Alinsky. It is a huge seller on right now. I am working my way through it, slowly. I haven't had much time for reading. The reason so many copies of a book written in 1989 are being sold is simple: It is
the liberal playbook. To beat the forces undermining our country we have to follow the same rules of engagement.

Groups such as the corrupt ACORN and many others most of us have yet to hear of follow the guidelines set out in Alinsky's books. The only way to fight them is to use their time-proven methods. Glenn Beck does (he may not realize it) with astounding success.

The difference between liberal radicals who use Alinsky's methods and conservatives is that liberals are using these methods to turn the United States into a Socialist nation. Conservatives will have to use them to return the country back to the Constitution and our conservative roots.

This link to the National Education Association's (NEA) recommendation of the book to our teachers (who are mostly all liberal) will tell you more.

The Warrior Song - Pass It On


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