Monday, October 12, 2009

What Next? The End of Bliss

I'm sitting here having some coffee and wondering what is going to happen next. What wonderful things will our elected officials come up with today to stick it to us, the American people?

I have not been to my favorite news and commentary websites this morning. I haven't turned on the television. I did write an article for my WalksAlone's blog about the Oath of Office. You might be interested in reading it.

It was a "feel bad" weekend for all here. I don't know if the changing weather was taking a toll on our old bones, or if we had a bug of some sort; but my husband and myself were definitely under the weather. I awakened early today. Not good, as I work a late shift at my real job so will be up late tonight. I'm a tough ole Granny though, so will make it. But I digress.

I was thinking about the old saying, "Ignorance is bliss." I can remember a time in my younger days when I paid little attention to politics. I was a busy mom and later, after the kids grew up; I was just busy. The newspapers lay unread by me (hubby read them). I rarely had the television on news except early or late when I caught the local and mainstream media news shows. I was blissful.

In my bliss all I worried about were my kids, my husband, home, pets and gardens. I lived in the United States after all. What could possibly go wrong? I had studied about our government in school, went to civics class and learned how the government worked. We had a government of checks and balances. We were the greatest country in the world. We were and always would be safe from the tyranny and upheaval that went on over the rest of the world. Yep, there's nothing like being blissful.

The sad thing is, we were all blissful. While we were enjoying our bliss; forces deeper than we have yet uncovered were working behind the scenes to destroy our very way of life. It was all done in the name of social equality, fairness, helping the underprivileged. We all let it go by thinking to ourselves that sure; we thought those were decent ideas. We have nothing against the folks who are not being treated as equals to everyone else. "All men are created equal, right?

All men are created equal. However, that should not be the basis of redistributing wealth, taxing those who work into the poor house to support those who don't and attempting to provide everything for everybody. That is not what being created equal means.

We are all created equal by the Creator. The rest is up to us.

I know a man who will benefit from all the proposed government handouts. For most of his adult life he depended on his parents, wife, aunt and uncle for his upkeep and his family's support. The wife finally had enough and left, the parents, aunt and uncle grew old and died. Now this man, who doesn't yet qualify for a government program, does as little as possible and depends on his adult children to fill the gaps for him. When 'free' healthcare and the redistribution of wealth finally occur, he will finally be 'equal'.

This man is lazy, pure and simple. Oh, and lest you call me raciest: he is white. His Creator put him on the earth equal to all, but he is not equal, because he has refused to be. He has chosen to settle for a meager existence for him and his family. He has chosen to be "less-than" those who get up each day and work to provide for their families and make a decent life for themselves.

This man and others like him who feel the world owes them a living are not entitled to live at our expense. They need to be educated and encouraged, yes, but taken care of, no.

We the hard working, tax paying citizens of the United States; need to get past our bliss and remove the wool smooth talking politicians have pulled over our eyes. Otherwise we will awaken from our bliss and find we are not living in the United States of America, but in the Socialist States of America.

1 comment:

  1. AMEN times ten thousand! I know another man and yes, he is white also! I think you should send this to the local news a letter to the editor. What is the worst that will happen...they want print it. Start with the little "Landrum Leader." Earlier this year they published something of mine NOONE else around the area would never know. This has a powerful message and it means more b/c of the way it is presented than anything I have read lately. IT JUST MAKES GOOD PLAIN SENSE!

    love ya, andee



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