Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Back to Work Today

I enjoyed my long weekend and all the computer research time it provided me. Today it’s back to the real world of work and responsibilities other than writing and political rants. The political rants will continue though, even if written in the dead of night.

We have a lot of work to do and can't back of for a moment. The Health Care Bill, Cap and Trade, and who knows what else that's in the works need to be carefully scrutinized. We must keep up with letters, emails and phone calls to our representatives so they know what we think on the issues.

If they ignore us, then it is our duty to vote them out come election time. Every single one of them. Check their voting records on all issues. Tell your friends and neighbors and hold your representatives accountable. They work for us. A fact too many of them have forgotten.

1 comment:

  1. You are on a roll...Granny! GO FOR IT.

    I tried to follow thru blogger, but for some weird reason blogger isn't letting me in. I will try later.



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